Nerdette Member Posts: 3
edited November 2020 in Emotional Support #1

I had recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 Mediastinal SCLC. I have completed my Chemo and Radiation. So far scans are all clean and it is still localized. My hair is finally growing back and my energy level is almost at my highest level again. Due to the CoVid and living in such an expensive state, not to mention having no companion it seems like such a struggle. I myself, have never been married and to tell you the truth...a big fear is to continue to go through this alone (well, I have my doggie-she is young and still needs me) and die without ever being loved. If anything else, I would love to find a companion and start to live. This is my deepest wish. It seems like I don't have time for the courting and getting-to-know you stages, however, pushing into marriage until the right fit comes along isn't the proper thing to do either.

Is anyone else in the same boat and/or does anyone know where to meet friends/dates and what advice about the diagnosis would you give a person or would you and when. It is so confusing. l am ready to go to the news stations and broadcast throughout the U.S., LOL. Any advice would be so appreciated.

Would anyone be interested m/f, friends to gather online? We could do a book club or other events. Suggestions?