Stage 4 Anal Cancer?



  • linder
    linder Member Posts: 2 *

    I'll be 1 yr cancer free on Feb th. I was diagnosed with stage 3c rectal cancer in July 2020. I went through 5 treatments of radiation and 8 treatments of folfax chemo. I did have a port placement as i had the pump for 3 days at home every other weekend. In Feb 2021 i had surgery to "cut out" the cancer. I had 75% of rectum and 7 inches of colon removed. With this surgery i did get a colostomy bag. Then found out it was stage 4a as it had spread to 13 lympth nodes no other organs as of yet...get results from CT scan next week. My colostomy bag was removed in June thankfully had enough to reconnect. I still have issues with my bowels and trying different pills to get me regulated. A nightmare have to be careful what i eat if i go out or not eat anything with the worry of having an accident. I have a bulge on my belly from where the colostomy bag was removed and was told id have to have plastic surgery to have it taken care of which my insurance does not cover. Im stuck with a bulge and pain and discomfort and cant get over it...had to get larger shirts and pants to cover it up. I know im cancer free and alive but my life is not the same im not the same cuz i see myself in mirror and just disgusted. I had 3 surgeries and have so many scars and that bulge and it bothers me. I wish and trying to get over it so i can live a full life now that ive been given another chance. I think i need to see someone to help get through this...sorry this is long just needed to vent and i will be reading others to see if it helps