

  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    Checking in April 21, 2021

    Had my final 5-year scans in Summer 2020... NED! No lingering effects except occasional cramping of neck muscles at radiation site. Otherwise all is well. Never give up.. Matt, thanks for all you do and I just read about Phranne - so sorry..

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    Check In 2021

    Jimbo 55 checking in. Coming up on 11 years, the voice is a bit sketchy at times, but otherwise no complaints.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    edited June 2021 #24
    Check In June 2021

    Hi Matt, and other people..

    Still here, still kicking and screaming.. A photo of one of my recent art pieces, from my reference photo.

    65 Mustang
    Strathmore Paper - Prismacolor Colored Pencil - 10" x 16"

    Colored Pencil Drawing

  • rush1958
    rush1958 Member Posts: 223 Member
    edited September 2021 #25
    Check in September 2021

    Hi everyone! I hadn't checked in for a while. I'm still hanging in there cancer free since my trifecta treatment of surgery, radiation and chemo ended in July 2010. I'm retired as of the first of the year after 43 years on the railroad and enjoying life. Good to see some of the guys still checking in!



  • Chillg8r
    Chillg8r Member Posts: 87 Member
    edited September 2021 #26
    Skiffin16 said:

    Check In June 2021

    Hi Matt, and other people..

    Still here, still kicking and screaming.. A photo of one of my recent art pieces, from my reference photo.

    65 Mustang
    Strathmore Paper - Prismacolor Colored Pencil - 10" x 16"

    Colored Pencil Drawing

    Beautiful picture......

    Beautiful picture......

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    Add Me Please

    Chad aka Remington25 from ND.  I was diagnosed with SCC HPV16+ in October 2020.  On 11/18 I had radical neck dissection and then began chemo and radiation on 12/28/2020. My first follow-up PET scan was 4/15 and was NED.  I have a second scan in October.  

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited September 2021 #28
    Roll Call update status

    Attention latest update from Civil Matt   (9-22.21)


    Hello to every one of my H&N buds and to ALL the new (names and faces) which I have seen on the forum.


    I apologize to all of you for the extreme tardiness I have shown on updating the Roll Call for 2020 and my failure to get the ROLL CALL 2021 out of my computer and into your hands.


    Some of you know that I have some health and some computer issues. I have not solved either of my issue yet.  but a new computer shall be in my hands soon and then it will just be a couple of clicks away from the forum.


    If you did not know, the CSN staff (which oversees the H&N form) asked me to adjust the content of the ROLL CALL to meet their current rules.  I have welcomed and gladly agreed to the new guidelines and have been adjusting all of our current information to “fall-in-line” and hopefully meet these updated  requirements.  It is nothing bad, just different from before.  You will all see  very soon.


    If you would like to leave a message please feel free to drop it here or send me a PM.


    Anyway, Civil Matt has not cashed in his chips yet and will make a presentation very soon of the newest and best ROLL CALL yet,(really)!

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    edited September 2021 #29
    CivilMatt said:

    Roll Call update status

    Attention latest update from Civil Matt   (9-22.21)


    Hello to every one of my H&N buds and to ALL the new (names and faces) which I have seen on the forum.


    I apologize to all of you for the extreme tardiness I have shown on updating the Roll Call for 2020 and my failure to get the ROLL CALL 2021 out of my computer and into your hands.


    Some of you know that I have some health and some computer issues. I have not solved either of my issue yet.  but a new computer shall be in my hands soon and then it will just be a couple of clicks away from the forum.


    If you did not know, the CSN staff (which oversees the H&N form) asked me to adjust the content of the ROLL CALL to meet their current rules.  I have welcomed and gladly agreed to the new guidelines and have been adjusting all of our current information to “fall-in-line” and hopefully meet these updated  requirements.  It is nothing bad, just different from before.  You will all see  very soon.


    If you would like to leave a message please feel free to drop it here or send me a PM.


    Anyway, Civil Matt has not cashed in his chips yet and will make a presentation very soon of the newest and best ROLL CALL yet,(really)!

    Thank you for the update

    Civil Matt, 

    Thank you for all the hard work you put into continuing the Roll Call. 

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    For some reason I thought of

    For some reason I thought of this board tonight. Good to see familiar faces! We are coming up on 6 years from my husband's tongue cancer diagnosis. He has been doing great. No reoccurrences. Sees his doc once a year- went earlier this month. It has been so long. Our son is a high school senior this year! Wishing everyone good health and good thoughts.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    I Agree

    With All the good folks on here, Matt is my Hero Too.
    And Matt I hope you get your health and computer issues smoothed out.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Hero Image 2

    Hero Image 1

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited September 2021 #32
    Crystal here, aka LitlCJdoll.

    Crystal here, aka LitlCJdoll.... Happy to join the Roll Call, enrolled in 2019.  I am in Winston-Salem,  North Carolina, Wake Forest University School of Medicine & Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    Before my HNSCC ---- I was born with a Primary (genetic) Immunodeficiency.  In and out of hospitals and research hospitals my whole life.  I am Prone to developing malignancies, because of having only a partial immune system.  I have poor Immune Surveillance, i.e. my partial immune system does not recognize, seek out and kill.  

    The treatment for my immunodeficiency, is Partial at best, as it gives me only a small part of what I am missing. But, its all we have---- Every 28 days, I'm admitted to the hospital for a closely monitored infusion of Intravenous Immunoglobulin.  I have done this over 30 Years now.


    Diagnosed March 2017, Stage III SqCC.  Very large primary tumor. Base of tongue, lingual tonsils, it enveloped the Entire tongue, back to tip.  Actual Tumor Size ==  6.3 Centimeters by 3.1 Centimeters by 2 Centimeters thick.  It Crossed the Midline  He could not get a clear margin -- Back margin was Indeterminate.  First surgery was Tracheostomy, Glossectomy, Tonsillectomy, Rim Mandibullectomy, bilateral submandibular salivery glands invaded,by the tumor and cut out.... Myleohyoid muscle cut out.... Bilateral neck dissection, 55 out on Right and 25 out on Left.

    Negative for all HPV types.  Grade 3  tumor, keratinizing.  

    Positive for Perineural Invasion.


    ( I decannulated from the tracheotomy.  I was very motivated !!)


    Ive had 5 Recurrent tumors, in different places plus a New Primary, which was very fast growing, invading deep through Floor of mouth then invaded my tongue Flap,  9 months after my IMRT/ VMAT Radiation treatments.  66 Gy.  It survived the radiation.  Not good!!


    Many, many surgeries,,,

    The 7+ hour surgery above included Microvascular Reconstruction for free Flap. from my Scapula / back area.  It was the onlly place he could find to harvest it from, I was 64 pounds on surgery day.

    Since then, , my free Flap has failed.  It  is actually Disappearing,... Some of it is left, but there is a large Hole in the floor of my mouth now.  I can put a finger down into the hole, it is so large.  The flap has never functioned, never moved. from day 1..


    Unfortunately, I aspirate all consistencies of Oral intake.  Everything.  In June, I just had my 5th case of Aspiration/  Bacterial Pneumonia.  This one was Bilateral (Double lung) pneumonia due to E. Coli.  Drug resistant E. Coli, .   Admitted for all 5 pneumonia. , 2 of them with Sepsis. 2 with Collapsed Lung.

    I am 100% G tube dependent.


    I am a mighty 71 pounds now. 


    My beau, my dearest love passed away May 18th, 2021 due to his Stage IV head & neck cancer which had widely metastacized.  His was HPV +.  That was his second cancer.  He fought and never quit, for 9 years .  He never was off treatment, 2 cancers leukemia and then this one.


    We had that in common, the attitude and  will to Fight and never quit.  Never stop thinking of ways to adapt and finding a way to Go On....


    I see that same Will here among some of the members --- Always trying to find a way to come back from it all.  To Stand Up after a beating, and adapt, and keep going forward, in whatever the new normal is.


    That's why this forum is so great --- So many like minded people, who can then encourage the ones new to this fight, who  come here, and give them concrete ways to move forward, 

    We find that going thirough these life altering experiences changes us and it weighs upon us to reach out, and  try to help the new ones any way we can..


    Thank you, American Cancer Society for this discussion board.  Thank you Matt, for enabling this Roll Call to go on!

    We are grateful.




  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    checking in 2021

    Donfoo (Don), SF Bay area, California, joined forum December 2012, posted in 2013 roll call, but had not formally enrolled until 01-2014. DX’d BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes, one tooth out. Tumor board-induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT Apr-June 2013. Fully recovered after six months and feeling great.  Checking in July 29, 2015just crossed two years post tx. Overall in better shape mentally and physical than before. Got tight muscles in the neck and my head sweats now when eating hot stuff. Just hope the long-term side effects stay far away. Checking in February 28, 2016.  March 2016 - Last visit with ENT moved check ins to 6 months, a good sign. Also confirmed that my BOT HPV+ diagnosis puts me at 3 years out past the main worry about recurrence. Whew!!!! Tight neck muscles still a near daily issue. Big improvement on eating "hot". Yippee. back to tolerance for hot - Love it. Still getting head sweats on hot-hot but not bad. All in all - everyday, thank God for good fortune! Don.  Check in Aug. 29, 2016, doing fine at 3 years post.  Crossed the 3 year post mark in June 2016. Doing great and living large every day!  Checking in July 2017 -  4 years post June 2017. Fibrosis in the neck still a pain in the neck. Otherwise, still doing great and living large every day! Bought a motorhome and taking some trips. Checking in July 16, 2018 (5 years NED – cured!) Passed the 5 years post early June 2018. NED so all good. New normal = old normal except for one long term side effect. That is, tightness along the neck muscle from ear, through jaw, to shoulder on side where radiated. Regular neck stretching and jawwing (big yawns) settles things down. Enjoy every single day, never take today or tomorrow for granted. Life is great! Checking in February 24, 2019 Passed 5 years last summer. Nothing has changed except older. Very thankful that I'm living well, enjoying life each day, no meds, and the only long term side effect is the fibrosis in the neck and jaw area. Even thyroid seems to be holding up. 

    Checking in October 2021

    Ditto the last one. Just older, healthy, and enjoying life. Only long term side effect is the neck and jaw fibrosis. Thyroid still hanging in there too.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Hello to MarineE5, swopoe, wbcgaruss and Donfoo,

    I am starting to sound like a broken record, but I am getting close to posting the next Roll Call with the revised format. I am writing this message and posting it with my new Dell Laptop. So far, everything seems to input and upload easily (like it used to do) and it is very fast.

    I t old my wife I was going to go outside and rake some leaves. So, that is what I will do starting at 10:30am PDT.

    Civil Matt


  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Your yard looks like a

    Your yard looks like a beautiful oasis or sanctuary!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    Agreed with ozy

     Matt such a Very nice-looking hideaway and so nicely kept.
    I am glad you are now up to speed on technology and ready to take on the world.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    October of '21

    Bout the only thing new with me is I recently went thru and Endoscopy w/esophagus Dilation, a month later failed the swallow test, and a couple weeks ago the GI Dr. said I will be FT-dependent the rest of my life due to Rad damage to the Esophagus. Been FT-dependent for 26 months, now, but will be 13 years out to the mostly good come late-November, so that be life and I've gotten used to it. Thanks for keeping this Thread active, Matt.