begonnen aan study chackmate 914

m@rtin Member Posts: 11 Member

tody had the results of the  scan and everyting was fine, so i can officily paticipate in the study checkmate 914 .i have thuoght about it for a long time because of the side effects, in melanoma ( skin cancer).  it seens to work ,and even if the cancer returns you can still use imuum therapy get it then seens to work  . i have decided not to wait for it to return ans will actively  fitht the cancer ..i am 47 years old and the return of the cancer for example 10 years is not an option for me i am ttil to youn , and i still want to be there for my family and kids . that is why i would rather attack the cancer than wait en see.

i":ll keep you to update

excuus for sometimes the bad sentence tructure i read and translate everything via google 

best regards m@rtin


  • okk
    okk Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello, I'm new to this page and currently considering this same trial. Wondering how you made out with the it, side effects, etc?

    Best to you!
