Freaking Out Waiting on Answers



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    mranxiety said:

    Back to the doc

    Hate to come back but after finally moving on from my small supraclavicular nodes scare, I had this thing pop up a week ago. I am out of town but went to the doc only because of my past history. He says it is NOT a lymph node. Explained my history and he said, he has been doing this awhile and its something muscular, not a node. Prescribed steroids but I'm hesitant to take them as I'd like to see what it does on its own. This is same side as my supraclavicular scare. Any opinions? I was thinking to let it ride another week then see my own ENT when I'm back home but hard to process this is a random coincidence and not a lymph node. Pic:


    Am I correct to assume you went to a Doc in a Box while on travel? You might want to stick with your original doctor. Let him/her take a look.

  • mranxiety
    mranxiety Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2021 #43
    po18guy said:


    1. Follow doctor's advice.

    2. Stop feeling for lunps and bumps! We are made of them.

    3. Follow up on the anxiety.

    There you have it.

    I'm really trying...

    You're not wrong...but this was noticed in the mirror while shaving.  It is pretty prominent when I turn my head.  I was honestly moving on from the entire thing and bam, see this thing 

  • mranxiety
    mranxiety Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2021 #44
    ShadyGuy said:


    Am I correct to assume you went to a Doc in a Box while on travel? You might want to stick with your original doctor. Let him/her take a look.


    No, I was actually able to get into an ENT so his opinion is much more educated than mine.  I'm just a bit freaked it isnt going away and since there was no cause or discomfort with it, confused how it could be something other than a node.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited February 2021 #45
    Oncologists ....

    know about cancers and how to test for them. ENTs for the most part know about antibiotics, sniffles, tonsils etc. If your anxiety is this high you may want to see an oncologist - just peace of mind. Make sure he/she has access to the tests already performed. Also get blood tests for RA and Lupus. These tests are very simple and inexpensive. Also a short tapered dose of prednisolone would likely make the nodes go down. It worked for me. I was afraid my cancer was on its third relapse because of small swollen nodes in my neck. Ended up being mild psoriatic arthritis on which prednisolone worked well. Worth a shot! All these autoimmune diseases - lymphoma, lupus, RA, Psoriatic, Chrons disesease etc. - are closely related and for the most part highly treatable but not necessarily curable. You can have a normal lifespan despite theses conditions. Having either increases the odds you will get another. For example having psoriatic arthritis significantly increases your odds of getting lymphoma. They are all diseases of the white blood cells and play out over decades. Good luck. Calm down.

  • mranxiety
    mranxiety Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2021 #46
    ShadyGuy said:

    Oncologists ....

    know about cancers and how to test for them. ENTs for the most part know about antibiotics, sniffles, tonsils etc. If your anxiety is this high you may want to see an oncologist - just peace of mind. Make sure he/she has access to the tests already performed. Also get blood tests for RA and Lupus. These tests are very simple and inexpensive. Also a short tapered dose of prednisolone would likely make the nodes go down. It worked for me. I was afraid my cancer was on its third relapse because of small swollen nodes in my neck. Ended up being mild psoriatic arthritis on which prednisolone worked well. Worth a shot! All these autoimmune diseases - lymphoma, lupus, RA, Psoriatic, Chrons disesease etc. - are closely related and for the most part highly treatable but not necessarily curable. You can have a normal lifespan despite theses conditions. Having either increases the odds you will get another. For example having psoriatic arthritis significantly increases your odds of getting lymphoma. They are all diseases of the white blood cells and play out over decades. Good luck. Calm down.


    Thanks for your reply.  I also have an onc I have been seeing through the previous "scare."  This ENT did prescribe the prednisone but I haven't taken it yet.  I figured the ent could at least call it a node or not and then order proper imaging or tests if he thinks its needed.  I have a follow up with my onc anyways so I'll just wait to see him and bring it up if it's still there.   Staying calm, just random things happening which is a bit strange.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Watch it all


    Let it go. This too shall pass when the morning comes.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    Following your thread here from September, 2020, until today, your issue remains identical:  Extreme worry (panic, actually) about nodes that a half-dozen doctors, and numerous scans, have told you to forget about.

    You seem to not be hearing the doctors, and not hearing us.   You are an intelligent person, obviously.   Sit and ponder all of this for a bit is my recommendation.   Your panic is not derived from what the doctors are telling you.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    mranxiety said:

    I'm really trying...

    You're not wrong...but this was noticed in the mirror while shaving.  It is pretty prominent when I turn my head.  I was honestly moving on from the entire thing and bam, see this thing 

    OK but...

    We have told you everything that you need to know. The rest is 100% up to you.