Newly dignosed Peritoneal Cancer

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited September 2022 in Peritoneal Cancer #1

Hello,I was just dignosed few days ago.I have had Cancer several times.Three nodoes in stomach was biopsied.All three are Cancer.Waiting to talk to Cancer dr.Any advise on questions I should ask dr would be appriatted.Or someone who has been through this kind of Cancer.That could give me advice.Thank you.


  • soundsaroja
    soundsaroja Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2021 #2
    peritoneal carcinometasis

    Hey, Sorry to hear, I am in the same boat since yesterday where my mom was diagnosed with peritoneal carcinometasis. She was a healthy 59 year old but out of nowhere had a massive swelling of abdomen last week (ascites). Doctors drained about 4 litres of fluid, did all scans and tests and said very unlikely she will be a candidate for surgery since it has spread extensively and chemo would be the way. We are anxiously waiting for next steps, would you mind sharing your experience?.. Good luck and Stay strong! 

  • willie49
    willie49 Member Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there, same boat.  I just

    Hi there, same boat.  I just posted a note this morning.  Unfortunately, my mom did one round of chemo and is too weak to tolerate pursing chemo so currenly living with my family and receiving palliative nursing visits.  The asictes seems to return every 2-3 days and is having a permanent drain inserted this week.  

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited October 2021 #4
    Best of luck

    Hello, I was diagnosed with PPC IIIC 01/26/2020.  They removed 6 litres of ascites, and I needed chemo (PICC line) before surgery could be performed because of the many tumors. After 3 or 4 chemo sessions, I had the hysterectomy, omentum removed, and other debulking. More chemo, and "done" 08/22/2020. I have been on Zejula since that time. I go for regular check ups, and now monthly blood draws. My last bloodwork was last Saturday, 10/23/2021.  I received a call from Gyno/Oncol on Monday 10/25/2021 that my CA 125 is doubling. I have a P.E.T. scan this Monday 11/1/2021. I am scared. I fear the PPC has returned. I see the Dr. on 11/19 and I guess I will learn then what can be done to treat this, if anything.  I wish you all the best.

  • Willow oaks
    Willow oaks Member Posts: 39 Member

    Just checking to see how your treatment plan is working at this point? Any updates? I’m currently getting chemo with Avastin & so I’m following what others are receiving as results from their treatments as this type of cancer seems to often be chronic at best though some do seem to get longer term remissions . On August 1st due to finish basic chemo plus Avastin & as long as there is no progression then stay on Avastin alone for another 12 months. So far the tumors are shrinking and the fluid has disappeared. Praying that that continues. Hopefully they have found s treatment you are responding too.

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello Willow Oaks,

    I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Hang in there. Thank you for writing, as I feel there are so few of us, like we won a crap lottery. I am not familiar with Avastin, so I looked it up, interesting, and I hope that works for you. I was progression free for 14 months after the first treatment and surgery, and my Dr. said that was average. The goal is to have as much progression free time in between reoccurrence.

    So, I started chemo in January, 2022, because my PPC cancer metastasized to my lymph nodes in various locations, and I am still undergoing chemo, because PET scan at end of April, 2022 still had 2 large tumors that did not go away. I will likely "finish" Chemo on August 5, 2022. Then have a PET scan to see if all tumors have gone away. I am to remain on the immunotherapy drug Mvasi every 3 weeks for as long as that works, I guess.

    I have been on Doxil (which has caused "hand and foot" syndrome, Carboplatin, and Mvasi (an immunotherapy). I have the 3 drugs at day 1, and Mvasi on Day 15 (which is one cycle). I have started "round 7", and go for Mvasi this Friday 07/08/2022. It has been rough, a long haul. Much constipation, heat sensitivity, exhaustion. I think our survival rates are based on how much you can handle, and for how long. I have monthly blood draws, and bi-monthly urine tests to make sure my body is tolerating these drugs. Recently, I noticed my CA 125 went up a tick, still well below 35, but still. I did not lose my hair with this chemo regimen.

    Did you have any surgery? Are you stage 3? May I ask your age? Have you had hair loss? Any other symptoms? I am now 54. Please stay in touch. I wish you all the best. I am in Los Angeles. I have been receiving excellent treatment at Kaiser Permanente. Please share any details you feel comfortable sharing. Thanks, Diana

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello again,

    Does anyone have any updates on their treatments, progressions, or recovery? Does anyone have something new to share?

    Thank you,


  • Willow oaks
    Willow oaks Member Posts: 39 Member

    Hi Diana! Just know checking this site. I just finished my 6 SOC Chemo with Avastin. Had some good response accounts to CT scan and CA125. Scan showed reduced tumors and ascites by 3rd treatment and 50-60% more down from that by the final treatment. I am not NED.

    My CA125 went from 1700+ by the time I took two months to decide what to do and get started with treatments down to 8.2 by 6th treatment. I am on Avastin another 12 months as long as it works without progression or bad side affects. She also added Femara a estrogen blocker since the biopsy showed the tumors to be estrogen positive. I also take 500mg of Metformin. My PCP won’t give me more as he says my A1C is in a good range under 7. Takecontrol58 & others sent to think 2000 mg of Metformin helps reach or retain remission & NED. I still eat regular food but more carefully. Moderation so far and some days more strictly careful on diet. Need to add exercise as a habit change I need to make. I’m 70. I was diagnosed with high grade uterine serous carcinoma Stage 1A on Jan 15th 2020. Declared NED after complete hysterectomy surgery. Recommended 6 SOC Chemo treatments & 2 high dose vaginal radiation treatments…just to make sure Nothing spreads because uterine serous carcinoma is sneaky like ovarian cancer. I reoccurred in my peritoneal area about a year & a half after hysterectomy. I do try to do modern intermittent fasting most days eating between 10am-5-6pm. I also try to not nibble but to have two-three meals & 1-2 snacks rather than any ongoing nibbling that would keep sugar and insulin spikes up. My local oncologist is a bit depressing to me as she does want to be honest and not have me let my guard down I guess. She is what I call hopeful for NED or “cure” but not really optimistic either. She seems excited to how well I responded so far to the latest treatments. I sure feel better. But she follows with “so long as it doesn’t comeback in 6-9 months…which leaves me feeling like “Well that’s a bummer”. I am trying to keep my attitude up…sometimes hard to do. I sometimes wonder if I foolish to ignore planning to actively plan for my end…sell everything. Settle any debts etc. just in case suddenly I find myself feeling too I’ll to deal with any of that. It’s hard to deal with that need to at least write things people need to know and account numbers and passwords written and updated so folks at least know who to call. My husband died suddenly and I can’t retrieve our treasured travels pics and memories so far.

    Told my kids if I suddenly kick the bucket just call an auctioneer & realtor that will get rid of everything for a percentage and be done with things like that. I need to declutter for my own peace of living for the next few decades too though. But gee …holding that new 5 month granddaughter, teaching reading & playing with my 7 year old one & trips that are 6 hours each direction to see my daughter family and to check on my 98 year old Dad that live in opposite directions seem to get priority over decluttering my living space. I also keep 13 pond birds, three dogs and two cats and a pretty little lake that’s so nice to sit by and do absolute nothing.

    Please keep me updated with your new developments or hopefully continued NED.


  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello Willowoaks,

    Thank you for writing. I must say it sounds like you have a beautiful and full life, and you are truly blessed. My condolences for losing your husband so suddenly. That, on top of all of your health issues, is just too much.

    I am so glad to here the positive outcome of your recent treatments, and those are really good numbers (CA-125) and results. I wish you continued success on this journey, but most important is self-care and self-love. Be easy on yourself, your diet and exercise expectations. I have gained weight during my cancer treatments, and many say be grateful you have an appetite, and I tend to agree. It sounds like you also caught your cancer early, if I am not mistaken, which should lead to a better prognosis Grandma :-).

    The problem with PPC is I don't know if I am going to live 2 more years or 10 more years. The prognosis used to be so bad, 50% survive 5 years. I believe that you should get your affairs in order regardless of how long you may live. It is a selfless act for those who have to deal with what you leave behind. Most important though, in my opinion, is that everyone you love knows that. Everything else will fall into place.

    I have nothing, so I don't have that to worry much expect a few policy details. My big consideration now is whether to move back home to the midwest after 34 years in California to be with my elderly mother and relieve my burden of working just to pay rent. I am 54 and lost a good job in 2008 (recession/downsizing) from which I never really bounced back. I think that move is in my future, but it is scary to think about finding a new care team. I have been treated by the same team since diagnosis on 01/26/2019 PPC Stage 3C. They drained my ascites at that time, it was 7 litters or so. I saw it on the counter after removal, like soda bottles, ugh.

    I don't know anything about Avastin, but I have heard several people talk about it. I will have to look that up. I have my 9th round of chemo tomorrow for my 2nd occurrence. I am taking Doxorubicin, Carboplatin, and Mvasi (an immunotherapy) week 1, and Mvasi week 3, rinse and repeat. The first time around it was Carbo, and Paxitaxil I think, then after No evidence of disease, pills, ugh, Zejula. That worked for about 14 months, then my CA 125 went up, and new tumors were found.

    Anyway, please stay positive and keep healing vibes all around you. Until the next time, Diana

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello PPURDIN, How are you? Any updates on your treatments or remission? All best wishes, Diana

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    How are you and your Mom doing? I am just checking in. I like to see what we are all dealing with here. There is very little information available. Thank you, Diana

  • soundsaroja
    soundsaroja Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hope you are doing good.. She had three rounds of chemo, surgery where they removed about fifteen lymph nodes, ovaries, uterus etc and then finished with three more rounds of chemo (all but first one with avastin).. The whole process lasted about six months.. When we went for a review after last round of chemo doctor was puzzled about mild ascites remaining with some plural effusion.. Did a PET scan and ascites fluid cytology again but didn't find any malignancy.. She is currently under monitoring, apparently recurrence rate for this type of cancer is quite high and have to check CA125 every three months.. She is better than during the treatment phase but still a long way from being normal.. How are you doing?

  • Diana Szy
    Diana Szy Member Posts: 11 Member

    That still sounds really positive for your Mom. Getting rid of so many malignancies and keeping them at bay is great news. I am sorry to hear about her continued ascites. That is interesting, as in puzzling.

    I am hanging in there. I have 2 more rounds of chemo to go, and then another PET scan. Hopefully, the 2 last tumors, one solid mass and one in a renal lymph node will be gone then, and just maintenance of Mvasi every 3 weeks via port after that, hopefully. Until the next time, unfortunately, but the longer in between the better.

    Thank you for writing back. It is nice to hear how everyone is doing. All best wishes for your mom and yourself. Hang in there.


  • JulieA55
    JulieA55 Member Posts: 1 Member

    How is everyone doing? I have primary peritoneal carcinoma as well, stage IIIc when diagnosed. I have had debulking surgery and am undergoing chemo (carbomand abraxane). I do not have the BRAC gene and have high-grade serous carcinoma. Out of curiosity, are there any long-term survivors out there?