Chemo didn’t work as they hoped

Sunshine10a Member Posts: 13 Member

I'm devastated. My dads chemo didn't work as they had hoped. 6 months of seeing him suffer through the side effects of chemo down the drain. When they did the midway ct scan and at the end, they reported shrinkage but after surgery they said it wasn't as they hoped. im not sure what I want by posting this, I'm sad, mad, frustrated and scared of losing him. I don't feel like answering his whole history but it just sucks. To know that it didn't work and although they took it out, it could have spread. How do you deal with the feeling of dread and being scared that maybe your child won't have memories of your dad. Looking for some prayers, positive vibes and maybe positive stories. Honestly at this point I don't need someone telling me the brutal truths about it, I'm already heartbroken.


  • eeagopian
    eeagopian Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020 #2
    Hi Sunshine10a,

    Hi Sunshine10a,

    I am sorry to hear about your dad's situation after going through chemo. I experienced something similar when my wife found out that the CT scan revealed that four months of chemo hadn't worked for me. At the time she ecnouraged me to be strong and to think positively - even in the face of my (current at the time) oncologist saying that pretty much the only option left was palliative treatment. I remember I was mad at everyone and everything and I even was a bit rude with my oncologist. I remember those few days took quite a toll on me and my wife, and yet she kept me balanced and positive all along. After doing a lot of research we found out that there was a high dose chemo treatment potentially available given my condition, and later on and lucky for me the oncologist who invented the protocol determined that I qualified for it. I don't think I would have been able to do all of that without my wife showing me so much confidence and support, and I am sure that you will find the strength to do the same with your dad. I don't know what type of cancer you dad has, but encourage you to do as much research and knock on as many doors as possible, and to remain positive. I am thinking of you, your dad and your family right now.