Alt therapies for my mom on hospice

Hi all,

It's been awhile since I posted. My mom has metastatic overarian cancer--spread to liver, bowels, with spots on her stomach lining and even spots on lungs. She made a real positive turn-around late last spring and summer and I thought things were going to get better. All of the tumors got smaller or nearly disappeared. But the tumor in her liver got larger and stopped responding altogether to chemo. The drs at Univ. of Chicago have stopped treatments in January. They will not explore any immunotherapy nor any liver-targeting therapies like ablation, etc. This is the 2nd hospital to stop treatment. In reality, my mom is likely too week for any more treatments. She is pretty much immobile and can't even go into any clinic. (Also, maybe not the best time given covid).

She is now on hospice at home. As expected, the hospice nurses are managing symptoms only. She is suffering from nausea, continued stomach upset (probably the liver), extreme fatigue, weakness and increasing confusion.  The anti-nausea medicine doesn't work and they have nothing for her extreme fatigue, weakness and confusion. She has no real pain thankfully and surprisingly is eating well.

I am trying to to see what alternative supplements we can use that will help with both symptoms and maybe even slow the cancer to at least somewhat prolong our time with her. But I'm also concerned about safety. Some supplements recommended generally for cancer like resveratrol may also increase estrogen, which I think would be bad for ovarian cancer.

She was regularly taking 5mg of modified citrus pectin which has helped both with bowel movements, and we also think has helped slow the cancer last summer. She also was taking curcumin, I think a 665mg pill, but very irregularly. A friend who's mother also has OC, recommended D-Mannose. Has anyone had any experience with D-Mannose or any other supplements that are safe that you can recommend for either symptoms or slowing the growth.

Thanks in advance.






  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited June 2020 #2
    longdistance_caregiver, I am

    longdistance_caregiver, I am sorry to hear everything your mother has been going through.  I am hoping they found something to help her with some of the issues she was having.