Anyone know if megadosing vitamin C is good of bad for PCa?

hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member

Megadosing vitamin D is suposed to be good for immunity and reducing PCa.

Vitamin C is supposed to be good for immunity but do not know if good or bad for PCa.



  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    edited March 2020 #2
    Hi Hew,

    This page is full of debate about all sorts of vitamins and supplements for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.
    It can be more technical than CSN

    Best wishes,

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member
    edited March 2020 #3


    To get over the paywall put a . at the end of the URL with no space between it and the URL.

    Learned this from reddit with people learning to bypass paywalls getting to Coronavirus papers and articles :)

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    edited March 2020 #4
    The Members

    Hi Hew,

    It is not actually a paywall, it is a members only site but membership is free.
    I post on the site under the same name if you want to look for me.

    Best wishes,


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member
    edited March 2020 #5
    Mega dose?


    According to the Mayo Clinic no correlation between Vitamin C and cures for cancer.  They need to do more studies according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Dave 3+4

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    Within the world of lymphoma, which is treated a lot differently than organ cancers like PCa (e.g., almost exclusively with chemo, and radiation and surgery are seldom employed), supplements or even radical diets are explicitly discouraged by most medical oncologists. Even antioxidant drinks, like green tea are frowned upon. The reasoning is that the supplements weaken or inhibit the drugs, somehow or other.

    What has been heavily investigated specifically as regards PCa is "saw palmetto", which used to be the rage, and cannabis. The former is well documented to be worthless but not harmful (except to the wallet). Cannabis is worthless toward cure or prevention, but may in fact reduce symptoms or discomfort in many individuals. I have read nothing regarding Vit C, but suspect that it has no effects on PCa, like virtually all other foods. It is otherwise healthy, so bon appetite, if so inclined.
  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member

    Mega dose?


    According to the Mayo Clinic no correlation between Vitamin C and cures for cancer.  They need to do more studies according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Dave 3+4




    I was thinking more some vitamins do not play well with PCa.

    Option 1: Vit C does not make PCa worse and improves flu resistance

    Option 2: Vit C makes PCa worse regardless of flu impact

    That was what i was trying to check

  • Flyer83948
    Flyer83948 Member Posts: 34
    Megadosing with Vitamin C

    The idea of megadosing with Vitamin C to prevent or cure various ailments such as the cold, flu, or even cancer was a pet project of scientist Linus Pauling, the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel prizes. Interestingly, most animals can produce their own supply of Vitamin C by synthesizing the vitamin within their bodies. The few mammals that cannot synthesize and produce Vitamin C themselves but have to include it in their diet include certain primates (including man), bats, capybaras, and guinea pigs. Linus Pauling was struck by that fact and somehow came up with a theory that megadosing on Vitamin C was a preventative and a cure for many ailments including cancer. Linus Pauling died at the age of 93 from prostate cancer. Now I guess you can look on that from two different perspectives. On the one hand, he did die of cancer despite his practice of megadosing on Vitamin C. On the other hand, he didn't die until the age of 93, which I believe is many years beyond the average or median life expectancy of a male in the US. 

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member

    Megadosing with Vitamin C

    The idea of megadosing with Vitamin C to prevent or cure various ailments such as the cold, flu, or even cancer was a pet project of scientist Linus Pauling, the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel prizes. Interestingly, most animals can produce their own supply of Vitamin C by synthesizing the vitamin within their bodies. The few mammals that cannot synthesize and produce Vitamin C themselves but have to include it in their diet include certain primates (including man), bats, capybaras, and guinea pigs. Linus Pauling was struck by that fact and somehow came up with a theory that megadosing on Vitamin C was a preventative and a cure for many ailments including cancer. Linus Pauling died at the age of 93 from prostate cancer. Now I guess you can look on that from two different perspectives. On the one hand, he did die of cancer despite his practice of megadosing on Vitamin C. On the other hand, he didn't die until the age of 93, which I believe is many years beyond the average or median life expectancy of a male in the US. 

    A guessing game as always

    A guessing game as always

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Mega megadoses

    Hi Hew,

    I worked as the sole analyst / chemist in a vitamin pill factory for a time. The owner / manager, his wife was the secretary /book keeper and then there were the people that made the tablets, used to take around 20 - 30g a day of vaitamin C whenever he felt a cold or flu coming on and said that his urine used to turn a light pink.
    Thankfully he never gave me a test sample to work on.

    Best wishes,


  • SV
    SV Member Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2020 #11
    It's all debatable

    We've all read some kind of study regarding nutrition and so forth but following the advice of my doctor at MD Anderson I started taking CoQ10. The results are dramatic for energy stimulation. This supplement is also recommended by heart specialists.

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member
    edited March 2020 #12
    SV said:

    It's all debatable

    We've all read some kind of study regarding nutrition and so forth but following the advice of my doctor at MD Anderson I started taking CoQ10. The results are dramatic for energy stimulation. This supplement is also recommended by heart specialists.

    My main concern is

    My main concern is interaction with daily aspirin as that does seem to be a risk factor albeit low. I've learnt the best thing to do is do nothing when not sure so won't risk this.

  • Lilabit
    Lilabit Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2020 #13
    High Doses of Vitamin C & D

    I have gradually started to give my husband high doses of Vit D, 10,000 units a day (we live in Canada) and up to 12,000mg of Vitamin C spread out through the day and will continue to increase it till he gets stool tolerance.

    Here's a site that is not selling any supplements, doctors who believe in high doses of Vitamin C .

    More information is always good if it resonates with you.


  • MLR68
    MLR68 Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020 #14
    Lilabit said:

    High Doses of Vitamin C & D

    I have gradually started to give my husband high doses of Vit D, 10,000 units a day (we live in Canada) and up to 12,000mg of Vitamin C spread out through the day and will continue to increase it till he gets stool tolerance.

    Here's a site that is not selling any supplements, doctors who believe in high doses of Vitamin C .

    More information is always good if it resonates with you.


    Vitamins and PC

    Hubby just finished radiation in late June. Both our urologist and oncologist told him to take 5000 units of vitamin D per day without fail. He also takes other supplements (approved by docs - they figure 'why not?') - and has been using 5 grams of Modified Citrus Pectin three times a day since he finished radiation. Found out too late that they recommend using it DURING radiation. But, figure better late than never. We eat lots of veggies and fruit. He also uses a rebounder 20 min per day to help move the lymph system. He is nearly 75 and still very active and works full time in construction despite the fatique caused by hormonal therapy. Hot flashes are the pits. But, so far, all is well. His last PSA was >0.1  He will be tested again in October. Glad I happened onto this forum. Thanks to everyone who posts.