Low white cell count

Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member

So when I was first diagnosed, my WBC was in the normal range. During chemo, it dropped to as low as 1.8, at which point my oncologist delayed the next treatment. Really...in the last 4 years it has remained low all during treatment.

I still can’t get it to normal and in fact in the last 9 months, it has dropped from 4.0 to 2.6.

The RBC is also  but not as bad.

my oncologist said that my platelets are good so he’s not concerned. But I think this is why I have low energy. I still get tired easily.

Did it take a long time for your WBC to get back to normal? 

Is there anything I can do to bring it back up?




  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    I asked that same question.

    I asked that same question. My oncologist looked at me, and in a very NY way, was like, uh no, you are fatigued because of the chemo. I was on folfox at the time. My counts would drop low, and had to be skipped when was at like 1.3. My neutrophils, or something like that were good though, so at like 2, I could get chemo. That might not be the right word, but it was the part of the white blood cells that help with healing. I was told it isn't something I can control, as per the counts. To be fair, I was getting lots of meds to counteract my allergy to oxaliplatin, so that probably contributed to the fatigue. I am starting to try to start cardio again. I have been told that exercise actually helps the fatigue. It is just so hard getting started. I did 3 mintues yesterday, and was wiped out.

    Now that I am on different protocol, my counts hover just at the low end of the normal range when I get my check to see if can do chemo, and I am still tired all the time.The bonus is that at least I feel okay getting a mani pedi the weekend before infusion, which really perks me up and gets me going. The last time, my long term pedicurist was even so nice that she judge my nail bed infection, (erbutix side effect) and just diligently worked on cleaning it, and getting the nail trimmed where it was poking into the skin, causing the infection.