5 Years NED

els19 Member Posts: 106 Member

I was diagnosed with UPSC stage 3c in April of 2014. Five years ago I had just finished the last of my radiation which followed my chemotherapy. I saw my oncologist today and he declared me cancer free. He also stated that he thought I was also at a very low risk for reoccurrence. When I was first diagnosed I was desperately seeking hope and I found it here on this board. I rarely posted but I did follow it. I found myself checking it less and less as time moved on because I think you have to mentally move away from thinking about cancer. It doesn't mean it's not always there, you just bury the worry so you can move on. But I wanted to post today to let others know that there is hope. It is not an easy battle and it's definitely not fun. I think I had almost every side effect you could get during chemo. And I was horribly sick with radiation. I just kept telling myself it was because the the theraphy was working. After treatment was over I was exhausted, had spontaneous diarrhea and bordered on depression. But slowly I healed and today I am the strong healthy happy woman I used to be. My energy level amazes me because I still remember the fatigue. So believe me there is hope and the battle is worth it. And don't get hung up on the CA125. Mine went up for UTIs, other infections and recently because of diverticulitis. But always check with your doctor. I have an amazing gynecological oncologist, hopefully you do too. Good luck!


  • mamlicsw
    mamlicsw Member Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for this encouraging post.

    I've completed chemo and will start brachytherapy in January with a grade 3 cancer.  I'm so happy that you posted about being 5 years NED.  Like many others, I get afraid to be overly hopeful even when I have a clean CT scan, as I was just told today.  Mary Ann

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    edited December 2019 #3
    So happy for you!

    Thank you for posting your wonderful news about no evidence of disease of cancer! So happy for you!! The body and mind are unbelievable creations in terms of what it can endure.

    I have a recommendation for a wonderful book to read in honor of your 5 year anniversary. The book costs $10 hardcover.  I find it has great meaning as a cancer survivor. It is called “ More Beautiful Than Before- How Suffering Transforms Us” by Steve Leder.

     “There is real and profound power in the pain we endure if we transform our suffering into a more authentic, meaningful life. “ 

    Continued good health to you!  You have been blessed. 


  • Quilter_1
    Quilter_1 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Congratulations, I'm so happy

    Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. I am 9 months out from my last chemo and radiation treatments and had a scan and great checkup Tuesday.  While I'm happy about that, I also find myself wondering when my recurrence will occur, hopefully never.  I hope that I can echo your post at my 5 year anniversary.  May you have NED forever.  Merry Christmas.

  • Violet123
    Violet123 Member Posts: 28 Member
     Thank you for sharing your

     Thank you for sharing your story and giving us encouragement and hope that there is a possibility of good health and a normalcy of life after cancer.  Congratulations on being cancer free! That is wonderful news!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Happy 5th Anniversary els19!!

    Happy 5th Anniversary els19!!!! And, thanks for coming back and celebrating with us. May you dance with NED forever.

    Love and Hugs,


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    els, thank you for posting

    els, thank you for posting and allowing us the opportunity to celebrate your victory!  May you have many healthy and happy years.  I am sure your success is helping many, like you, you have found this site seeking news.

  • Jairoldi
    Jairoldi Member Posts: 221 Member
    edited December 2019 #8

    Thanks posting your encouraging news. That must have been music to your ears. Here's to your future without visits to an oncologist!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    So nice of you

    to come bak and share your good news,   It helps to know that it is possible to remain NED.   May it last your whole life long.

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 570 Member
    Thank you so much for coming

    Thank you so much for coming back and posting.  When I was diagnosed with UPSC/clear cell, I was sure I would be gone in 9 months.  At the moment, I'm about 15 months past diagnosis, 6 months NED after having completed chemo and radiation.  Seeing postings like yours gave me hope.  Please continue to come back and post every now and then.

  • jjtrim
    jjtrim Member Posts: 27
    Thank you

    Thank you for sharing your success story.  Gives us hope, and boy do I need it sometimes.  Here's to hearing from you again when you hit 10 years NED!


  • Fridays Child
    Fridays Child Member Posts: 281 Member

    And thank you for coming to share your celebration with us!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited May 2020 #13
    Just sharing again

    I was reading some old posts, and wanted to share this. Its nice to hear good news, even a second time

  • tequila
    tequila Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2020 #14
    Congratulations and Thank You for Sharing

    Congratulations on this wonderful 5 year achievement. I wish you a healthy llife cancer free.

    This gives all UPSC cancer survivors HOPE and especially newly diagnosed ladies  who we all know go  on an emotional  rollercoaster and question everything and the unknown like chemotherapy and radiation but yes the unknown is much more scary than reality. You never know how tough you are until you got to be!

    I wish all cancer survivors including you much happiness.