Worried that I have neck/throat cancer

Hi Everyone,


I am looking for some help or possibly some guidance/insights (apologies for the long post but I would greatly appreciate any help):


-My troubles started about two months ago when I woke one day and felt a bit of soreness on the right side of my neck under the jaw (it's really hard to describe the feeling actually...some ways of describing it could be "soreness" or "tenderness"). Also, my throat didn't hurt or feel sore like you typically get with a cold/flu. 


-Using my fingers, it's very difficult trying to pinpoint the exact spot in my neck, but it seems to be the glands/nodes right below the jaw on the right-side only (maybe salivary glands or lymph node?). Despite not being able to feel it with my fingers, I can still just feel the presence of the discomfort/tenderness in my neck. For example, if I turn my head to the right or if I turn my head up in the shower, I can feel the discomfort/soreness even more in this one area.


-Alongside the right-sided neck tenderness, I had experienced fatigue and nausea/lack of appetite. This progressed into total body fatigue that wouldn't get better with rest or sleep. Eventually, after about 6 weeks or so, I noticed that both the fatigue and nausea had improved.


-Presently, the unusual tenderness/soreness on the right side of my neck has remained the same. I still experience some fatigue that comes and goes (but not as bad as it once was). Nausea has pretty much resolved. Lost about 10 pounds in total since this started.   


(Two weeks before my symptoms began, I was sexually active in a new relationship with kissing, protected vaginal sex, received unprotected oral sex.) 


Tests completed:

-complete blood count - normal 

-thyroid testing - normal 

-iron, B12, sodium etc. - normal 

-strep swab - normal 

-EBV antibody - evidence of past infection but not recent 

-CMV antibody - evidence of past infection but not recent 

-Hepatits, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, HIV - negative

-throat/neck physical exam - doctor can't feel anything unusual


(Male, 30 years, non-smoker, non-drinker)  



-I am really worried that I may have or may be developing cancer in my neck/throat with the symptoms I have been experiencing

-I keep thinking that whatever is going on with the right side of my neck has to do with cancer or EBV/CMV (or possibly even HPV as I have read about this online)


I have made an appointment with an ENT in the coming week but would appreciate any suggestions/insights or even advise on how to prepare for the ENT. 


Thank you.  




  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    An appointment with ENT is the next step. Stay calm and wait for the results... there are many possibilities besides Cancer.

    In the meantime, enjoy your holiday with family and friends!...

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    Stay off the internet

    Do NOT google anything, everything is doom and gloom.

    This is a club you do NOT want to be in (altho they are all very nice!)


    Old saying, "Ne'er trouble trouble, till trouble, troubles you"

    See the ENT but relax, you got this

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    Likely you are fine....

    Something stupid that will probably resolve on it's own.  None of your symptoms would be described as typical indicators or head and neck cancer.  Usually the first indicators would be a swollen lymph node, a sore throat that doesn't go away or a sore/lesion in your mouth that won't heal.  You don't mention any of these.  The nausea and fatigue I've never heard of anyone having before dx...likely it's from worry about the weird pain in your neck.  How about mononeucleosis or something like that?  That could explain the fatigue and even a swollen lymph node or two I would think.

    As others have said, if you continue to have symptoms then a visit with an ENT will be next.  They will poke and prod you and likely put a camera up your nose and look at your throat.  All pretty benign in themselves.  Stay off the internet, it will do nothing but worry you.  That's what it does to me every time I have a weird ache or pain.  No sense in creating worry.


    Good luck and happy holidays.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stay Calm as

    You are on the right path seeing an ENT next. They will check you over well as johnsonbl said and will probably have you get a CT scan with dye just to be sure nothing unusual is going on. For now, enjoy your holiday and blessings-Take Care-God Bless

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Welcome to the machine new one


    Welcome to the H&N forum, where we take all comers, all kinds of ideas and feelings about cancer.  If I was a betting man I would bet that you DO NOT have cancer. It simply sounds like you slept with your mouth open. I am not making light of you, after all you are here. It is just that you did not show any of the classic signs of cancer like swollen lymph nodes you can see from across the room, NO PAIN AT ALL, no fatigue, tenderness or weakness and please do not include recent oral sex with your symptoms.  All legitimate HPV + H&N patients (worth their salt) work on getting the virus for years prior to diagnosis.

    I recommend that you keep all your doctor appointments, especially any with an ENT trained to recognize cancer. I really think you will be fine and maybe the Christmas season can help you get along.  Remember, to avoid Doctor Google (he or she)  is  almost always wrong and too over-the-top.

    What kind of help does a 30 year old, non-smoker and non-drinker have for a support system?  Wife, family, girlfriend, mom, Dad, brother, sister Aunt, Uncle, dog, cat or ferret?  You may need someone to aid you during the discovery phase of this new endeavor and  possible cancer treatment and recovery. I am not so stupid that I guarantee you are without cancer, I just think you are W/O cancer

    Now off to Home Depoe and  Harbor Freight, I have projects just waiting for me to show up.
