Docetaxel update!

Dad received his 5th infusion of docetaxel yesterday, but the oncologist has added carboplatin for the remaining cycles.

PSA has fallen from 172 at the start of chemo, to 56 at yesterday's blood draw.  Platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc. has all been improving throughout chemo, which has been a pleasant surprise. He's needed two units of packed red blood cells (after cycles 3 and 4) but hemoglobin was higher and steadier this time, so they're not anticipating needing another for this cycle. We will see how carboplatin goes.

Imaging done after cycle 3 showed improvement and stability everywhere except some rib tumors, which the oncology team mentioned could simply be "tumor flare," and the improving labwork three weeks later seems to be confirming that. They are allowing 10 rounds of radiation on the ribs for pain relief and I suspect the labwork to be a bit crappier for the sixth chemo, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Liver tumors are shrinking and there has been no sign of any issues with actual organ function!

Some pretty good news this week for us!


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    An earlier Christmas present


    Good news indeed. The decrease in PSA and improvement in the lipids panel is the best one could have in an advanced case. I wonder on the intensity of the symptoms. Most probable the radiation to the ribs to alleviate pain will also eliminate the cancer at the area.

    I have followed a clinical trial where carboplatin was added to cabazitaxel in PCa patients. The results shown improvements in terms biochemical free (doubling the time) but it has added or intensified the side effects. Fatigue, anemia and thrombocytopenia were the worst effects. I would expect the same to occur with other chemo taxanes drugs, respectively the friendlier docetaxel which is your dad's medication. You need more vigilance in this respect.
    Just to inform you that, by tradition, patients that received docetaxel will get as sequential therapy cabazitaxel as a late stage chemotherapy. Your dad is at the begining and he can count with many years as the winner in his/yours battle.

    Your story;

    The trial;

