Beware of Etoposide

I was treated with etoposide and cisplatin. A year after this treatment ended I got Acute Myeloid Leukemia from the etoposide.

The AML was the most difficult of my 3 cancers (breast and uterine cancers too) since 2015. 


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member

    Welcome to the group. I've never heard anyone here mention that drug before, so what you have to share about your experience will certainly be interesting.

    We do have members here like you who have had multiple cancers, so I'm sure you will fit in here for whatever you need or want to contribute quite well. I'm sorry that you've been through so much!

    What you say of Etoposide could probably could be said of any chemo drug. They all have the potential to do so much harm as well as healing us. Some of us get through it intact, but others do not. It's a gamble no matter which you get because you don't know until you are in the midst of getting it how you are going to react. I am glad that you are still with us and hope you'll share your whole story. You never know who you'll help down the road by doing so.

  • Chuck Z
    Chuck Z Member Posts: 22
    Therapy Related AML

    My wife passed away back in May from therapy related AML. She battled Ovarian and TNBC since 2012. They said that hers was caused by repeated use of Carboplatinum. Since she had a reaccuroccurrance within five years. They would not do a T-cell transplant. So she was just treated as a palliative care patient until her death. The odds of getting therapy related AML was only .02%.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Chuck, I am sorry to hear

    Chuck, I am sorry to hear about your loss.  Thank you for sharing this information.