Adding to Superthread

Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

As many of you know, I am on a FT for the rest of my life. The Superthread does not have the option of adding. There is a section dedicated to Feeding Tubes, but I do not see 2 critical issues: 1) Amount of calories/day and water, based on height & weight, and 2) Crushed or liquid medicines put into FTs relative to the Jevity/Boost, e.g., formulas. SO, can someone contact Skiffin16 down in Florida to have him add:            This is for medicine, etc.              This is a calorie calculator

I tested the calorie calculator, and found it to be very close to what Dieticians have told me- exactly right for what my Oncology Dietician told me 10+ years ago. What I've experienced recently is a joke. My GP said 1,600. A Dietician said 1,900 minimum to sustain, and 2,100 to start gaining. Neither said anything about needing to a lot of water to avoid dehydration, which I show signs of. 10 years ago I was just given the 2,100 number, which is what the calculator formula in link gives me.

As for the medicine, I did know about mixing and time-release being no-nos; but not about a 30-minute wait, and that some meds cannot be effective- so you need to talk to Pharmacist or Doctor.




  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    On-site Email


    You should be able to contact Skiffin 16 thru the on-site CSN Email system. Send your message and I am pretty sure an email will be sent to his personal email stating he has a message here. I hope this helps. 

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    MarineE5 You Are correct

    And there are a couple of ways to do it. This is off the CSN help page. I have it saved so I can refresh myself when I want to send a message. Below is the example-----



    Send Private Message


    Click on the members name on the post to the left side which is either by itself or underneath their picture.

    This will take you to their member page.

    Click on “contact user”

    Type your message and enter the CAPTCHA code and click send message.



    Another Way


    CSN E-mail

    Registered CSN members may send and receive messages from other users through the CSN internal messaging system. The system allows members to contact each other while protecting their actual email address. Messages can be accessed via your CSN home page.

    To send a new message using the Send a Message form:

    • Log on to your CSN account at using your username and password; you will be directed to the CSN Home page.

    • From the Home page, click on "CSN Email" located around the center of the blue box labeled "Connect and Communicate."

    • On the next page, click on "Write a new message"

    • Type the CSN screen name of the member you wish to contact on the "to" field. Or, select the name of the member you wish to contact from the “My Friends” dropdown list.

    • Type your subject line and your message.

    • Click on "Send Private Message"