Howdy (Intro and fatigue question)



  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,292 Member
    Hi and welcome to the Fighter

    Hi and welcome to the Fighter's Lounge, er blog. Fatigue was a big fight during the "Twelve Rounds of Folfox, my doctor gave to me". Sorry, anyway I recall drinking alot of coffee and taking the Norco liberally to get through work, which was physical, as I'm a contractor. The wife helped alot, going with me as much as she could and helping when I'd feel like crap and had to sit in the truck at regular intervals. She drove when I wanted to snooze or just veg. It would have been so much harder without that sweet, sturdy creature. This doesn't help you cope I'm sure, but know others have found a way, and in my case it was a bit of will, a lot of luck in scheduling and weather, and the perfect partner in life. Good luck to you!..............................................Dave