Another Chapter in my H&N Journey-Scan Follow UP



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    wbcgaruss, we care about you!

    Dear Russell,

    You have additional Cancer in (and around) your lymph nodes, I would like to tell you that “this will not do”, but I know it is not that easy.  Maybe, your doctor will be able to sweeten your “treatment pot” and this chapter in the Book of Russell will just be a formality treatment.  Such as, treatment at 8am and home by noon. I know this is just hopeful thinking, but we can all use a little positive reinforcement sometime.

    I do not know what your team will ultimately prescribe for your treatment, but if you turned out to be a candidate for immunotherapy that could be a very positive thing.  Some of the doctors can actually guarantee (privately) a specific outcome based on what they observe in the pre-treatment, testing phase.  It is very specialized and powerful treatment against some cancers (but not all, not yet). The opposite is also true; the analysis of the perspective candidate can show that they are NOT a candidate for immunotherapy.

    Many on the H&N forum have had radical neck dissection (40 to 70) nodes is very successful and the surgery does get the cancer and they heal up well from the surgery.  Now, normally you would get some radiation to go after any of the straggler cancer cells outside of the lymph nodes, but you may not have that option, this time around.  But fear not, they do have other specialized anti-cancer potions to use on you (if needed).

    I guess this will make your retirement from the H&N forum moot at this time. Oh well, you have got this forum figured out and we love to hear more from you.

    One of your fans and buddy,



    Matt Thanks So Much

    For your studious evaluation of my case and situation based on my description and your vast knowledge of many CSN folks and their previous cases as only you can do. Thanks for your inspiration of positive thinking I am definitely trying to stay in the positive. So yes as you say to get the nodes and do the mop-up with good available high octane potions and I'm good to go.

    Thanks, Matt I'm your fan and buddy too-Take care-god Bless



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member


    You have been one of the best supporters of others on this site for as long as I can remember. I am considerably saddened by your recent news. Rest assured, you have many,many people on this board praying and pulling for you. I know your strong faith and the support of your wife will see you through the days ahead. Please keep us up to date on your progress, you can beat this!

    whoisjohngalt I Thank You

    for responding and wishing me well. Thanks for your prayers and support and I will keep you folks updated-God bless

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Russ- So sorry you are in

    Russ- So sorry you are in this place again. Not fair. My husband had his neck dissection nearly 4 years ago. He still has a faded scar, but no other side effects what so ever. I hope for the same results for you. I used to go to college in Lancaster, even though I now live in Texas. Small world. Hope to visit you one day when I come back for reunion! Wishing you all the best- you’ve got this.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Swopoe Sounds Like

    Your husband came through it pretty well I am glad for you folks. Glad he's nearly four years out and doing well. If I am left with a faded scar and no more cancer instances that would be great. Thanks for your good wishes and support it is much appreciated-God Bless

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Swopoe Sounds Like

    Your husband came through it pretty well I am glad for you folks. Glad he's nearly four years out and doing well. If I am left with a faded scar and no more cancer instances that would be great. Thanks for your good wishes and support it is much appreciated-God Bless

    Just checking in

    HI Russ, Just checking in with you to see how you are doing? Our prayers are with you each and everyday for a full recovery and to be cured once and for all.  God Bless you Russ. 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Sabrina23 said:

    Just checking in

    HI Russ, Just checking in with you to see how you are doing? Our prayers are with you each and everyday for a full recovery and to be cured once and for all.  God Bless you Russ. 

    Sabrina23 Thanks For Checking In

    And for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. And yes Sabrina I am Looking to full recovery and certainly, hope this is the last time cancer ever darkens my doorway again-Take care-God Bless

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hey WBC!

    I’m sorry you’re looking at this again.  Sneaky little ba**ard that it is, we never know when it’s lurking licking it’s wounds from the last treatment, waiting to pounce....or if the very last cell got it’s walking papers. My third recurrence is now in the past far enough, I don’t know if it comes back, will that be a 4th recurrence?  Or would it be a continuance of the 3rd?  If you’re going to Philly, get tested and see if immunology is up your alley.....they’re doing so many cocktails these days with Keytruda for a chaser.

    Also while in Phiilly, ask about the possibility of getting SBRT rads. My ENT told me that I wasn’t a candidate for more rads, since I had 35 in 2012....and another 25 3 years later. I went to the radiologist and asked him.....well, I could do SBRT, and I did.  

    as far as the neck dissection goes....I had a modified one.  After all the chemo and rads, it was a walk in the park!  The staples, however, are VERY’em while you got them. :)

    tucking you into my pocket....


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Phrannie Thanks for

    Your response and advice on immunology and SRBT I will see if either are a possibility. I will print your answer as a reminder. Memory not what it used to be. It seems almost everybody says compared to rads and chemo a neck dissection is easy to handle by comparison. You've had a long haul of it with cancer 3 times but I have read your battle for a while and you don't give up and if cancer pulls another angle you have another trick up your sleeve. You have always been a good inspiration to keep fighting and to keep a positive attitude. I think the only time you get upset if I don't have you mixed up with someone else is waiting for scan results (scanxiety) and I believe you tend to hang off the ceiling fan. This being my third time I think I'll join ya on the fan. Almost 5 years out figured I was in a good zone and then a spot on my tongue. Operated and got clear margins so I figured I was in pretty good shape certainly I won't get cancer a third time. Well here it is so I don't think I will ever figure I'm in the clear anymore but I'm not going to stress about it either. God Bless




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    wbcgaruss said:

    Phrannie Thanks for

    Your response and advice on immunology and SRBT I will see if either are a possibility. I will print your answer as a reminder. Memory not what it used to be. It seems almost everybody says compared to rads and chemo a neck dissection is easy to handle by comparison. You've had a long haul of it with cancer 3 times but I have read your battle for a while and you don't give up and if cancer pulls another angle you have another trick up your sleeve. You have always been a good inspiration to keep fighting and to keep a positive attitude. I think the only time you get upset if I don't have you mixed up with someone else is waiting for scan results (scanxiety) and I believe you tend to hang off the ceiling fan. This being my third time I think I'll join ya on the fan. Almost 5 years out figured I was in a good zone and then a spot on my tongue. Operated and got clear margins so I figured I was in pretty good shape certainly I won't get cancer a third time. Well here it is so I don't think I will ever figure I'm in the clear anymore but I'm not going to stress about it either. God Bless




    Yes sir....

    i am the ceiling fan dweller.  Was told today my next scan is due.....I instantly looked up for something to cling to... :)


  • dwp155
    dwp155 Member Posts: 30
    So sorry

    I am very sorry to hear this, prayers for you and yours - keep us posted

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    dwp155 said:

    So sorry

    I am very sorry to hear this, prayers for you and yours - keep us posted

    dwp155 Thank You

    For your response and prayers certainly will update as I know more-God Bless

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Really sorry to hear about another bout with the beast. Sounds like you are looking at all options. Even though the general stand is against reradiating areas but it can be done. Check on OCF as there are folks there who've been dosed 2 or 3 times in the same area. Not saying it is right for you, just that it might be viable for you. With the new immunology treatments showing great promise, you have some bullets left in the clip. You been to the rodeo before so at least it will make the trip a bit less daunting. Wishing you well. don

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Thank You Donfoo

    Thanks for your response and support and thanks for your suggestions about rad possibilities and checking OCF. Phrannie mentioned checking on SBRT rads also. You are right I have been here before which does make it a little easier as what to expect. But this enough and hope it's the last time. I am glad I have been connected to and then joined this site and it really helps reading this site a lot and to have the folks on here to lean on for help support and ideas is a fantastic help and resource. Besides we're in the club no one wants to join-How did we get so many members then? Take care-God Bless

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    Yes sir....

    i am the ceiling fan dweller.  Was told today my next scan is due.....I instantly looked up for something to cling to... :)


    Time is just spinning above us.


    I just happen to have a picture of one of P51’s old fan blades, from August 11, 2015.



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Time is just spinning above us.


    I just happen to have a picture of one of P51’s old fan blades, from August 11, 2015.



    Wow Check That Out

    There really is CSN stressed out plenty fan to grab onto. And thank God there is a vacancy just in time I sure can use it. Thanks Matt for keeping the fan packed away for when we need it.