I'm Back...

JBBW Member Posts: 30

I was reading and posting to this forum back in the summer of 2017 with my first cancer.  It was an HPV related carcinoma.  The radiation therapy was directed to the base of the tongue.  I had 33 days of radiation and 3 chemo sessions.  I responded well and had been clear until this last June - 2019.  During my last checkup the doctor noticed "prominate adenoids" in my sinuses.  The biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma again but this time higher up in the nasopharynx region.  I have also undergone a biopsy for a bright spot on the PET scan in a lymph gland under my arm which has turned out to be unrelated to the current Nasophareangeal Carcinoma.  They have no scheduled another biopsy for a IIA lymph node below my ear.  It was a bright spot on the PET scan too but they forgot to get it biopsied when I had the underarm thing done.  Right now the plan is to have radiation for six weeks and three chemo spaced out during that time.  The first chemo and radiation should be at the end of this month.

My question is, "Has anyone had carcinoma at the base of the tongue successfully treated and then Nasopharengeal carcinoma years later?  Are the treatments worse the second time around - especially the radiation since it's in the same general area?"

I felt lucky for the support from this forum a few years ago.  I look forward to seeing the same support this time.




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    James I Have Not

    Had the same cancer experience you have had so I can't help in that respect. But would just like to say sorry to hear you are having another go around with the beast. Stay strong and I know there will be plenty of support for you here on this forum-God Bless

  • JBBW
    JBBW Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2019 #3
    wbcgaruss said:

    James I Have Not

    Had the same cancer experience you have had so I can't help in that respect. But would just like to say sorry to hear you are having another go around with the beast. Stay strong and I know there will be plenty of support for you here on this forum-God Bless

    Thank you for the words of

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. 

    - James