endometrial cancer 3c



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    was initially diagnosed in

    was initially diagnosed in 2005 with Stage 3a Grade2 endometrial adenocarcinoma.   at that time they took out 25 lymph nodes.  In 2010 I had surgery again and they took out 12 lymph node one or two which had microscopic cells.  I did no treatment just watch and see.   Last year after another major surgery they took about 8 total with 2 nodes having tested positive Ended up with ileostomy which was reversed a couple months later. No treatment because they were removed.   In 2015 I also had a ureter reimplantment surgery.  

    They only treatment I had was in 2005/2006 was chemo and then brachytherapY.  I am now currently on an every 3month scan cycle until this one which is 6 months.  I get scanned again in December 

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    I had endometrial

    I had endometrial adenocarcinoma stage 3a, grade 2. I had 7 rounds of chemo (adriamyacin/carboplatin as I was too allergic to the Taxol to even desensitize). I had 25 treatments with IMRT radiation and finished that May 2018. So far so good. The only side effects I had were a hemorrhoid and a when I get tired at night I also get really nauseous. Fortunately, that last side effect is slowly ebbing but I did end up quitting my job at the library as I just couldn't do evening work anymore.  But overall I feel good and I'm very thankful. I have a yearly pet scan scheduled for October.

  • Feelingalone74
    Feelingalone74 Member Posts: 243
    So sorry for all of you lady

    So sorry for all of you lady's losses.

    After reading these posts I'm really questioning my treatment plan of 2 rounds carboplatin taxol 5 weeks radiation with 1 day cisplatin and then 2 more rounds carboplatin taxol.

    My pathology report concluded Stage 3 endometrial cancer need to find out grade not sure I understand the report . And that I have 2 out of 4 for the genetic disposition for endometrial cancer.

    They informed me that this was the best treatment for me for the best results but with only being able to have radiation once wondering if I should "save it. I'm grateful they want to do what they think is best for me but seems like a lot when my abdomen and pelvic catscan came back negative after my hysterectomy.  They explained that was good but ot doesn't show any bad cell unless it's a pea size or more. My last ca 125 was 120 but that was done a few weeks after surgery and perhaps was still swollen  .I haven't had a petscan. Though scared  I want to do whatever is necessary to be NED but need to be mindful of my own body . And with the possibility of radiation causing bladder cancer and other problems it's hard to know what to do. 

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited August 2019 #25
    Cheese, my story is pretty

    Cheese, my story is pretty much like yours with the exception of problems with urinary tract. I was same stage and grade. I didn’t feel I had any time to question. Yes, continued bowel problems and no sex, but I’m alive.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,029 Member

    Radiation and bulking

    Much of this I know I’ve said all before so excuse me for repeating myself but 25 external radiation & 1 brachytherapy has totally changed (ruined) my life. I haven’t had the horrid side effect Cheese has had with her urther but there is a small blockage in the right urter That will be watched. My doctor insisted I have radiation I should have refused. Stage 3b grade1 35 lymph nodes removed all negative,,, results lymphedema. radiation cystitis was awful but has been treated with HBOT but I now have a non compliant bladder that won’t expland to hold urine & a weak urethra that won’t close which means I’m totally incontinent. the radiation dermatitis is almost worse then the incontinence for which there is no cure I’ve been told. Monday I’m having bulking, Botox in the bladder and collagen in the urether. I will have to self catheterize as long as the product stays active, about 6/8 months, 9/10 times a day.  then I’ll have to do it again for the rest of my life If it works. My docs are not optimist for the long run which will mean bladder removal. I won’t do that without a fight!! cancer Is s beast but so are the treatments. Please cross all you digits for successful bulking. Thank you. I have learned so much from all of you. Thank you for sharing. I’m wishing you all well. Hugs to all of you. 

    Beautiful photo.

    That looks llike Angel Face.  Lovely and such a fragrance.