Sailing along

zsazsa1 Member Posts: 568 Member

Ah, the joys of remission!  Hair is growing in.  The soft feathery curly short "pixie" look is actually kinda cute.  The only chemo I'm on is Herceptin, every 3 weeks, and it doesn't seem to have any side effects for me.  My weight is stable - not losing, not gaining, which is reassuring.  I would like to lose about 30 lbs overall, but right now, just after finishing treatment, if I were to lose weight, I'd be afraid I was having a recurrence.  I have to be very, very careful about what I eat, because of radiation enteritis (I'm nearly 3 months out from finishing pelvic IMRT), but if I stick to meat or fish, plus rice, I'm fairly okay.  Okay enough that I actually had confidence to go out sailboat racing with my husband all afternoon yesterday!  We race tired clunky old boats called Cape Cod Knockabouts - only four clubs left on Cape Cod that still race these boats - but it's a ton of fun.  I was feeling so good, that I sat in the boom of the mainsail on the down wind legs to keep the sail out and down, which makes it go faster.  I was the only person who had the guts to do that, in the whole fleet.  I felt so happy, and alive.  Got cancer completely out of my head for the afternoon.  I had such a great time, that husband says that if there's enough wind to need a 3rd person again for today's races, he'll take me again.  Long may remission sail on!


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    Happy Place

    Well, that sounds lilke glorious fun! We all need our happy places to run to when scanxiety sets in and that's a really good one! Mine is Sedona because I get seasick! ;-)

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    Sounds wonderful!

    Good for you!  Long may you be you in remission!

  • Quilter_1
    Quilter_1 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Keep on sailing away.  I am

    Keep on sailing away.  I am also newly out of treatment (UPSC) and am feeling alive.  Last chemo and radiation were both finished on March 5.  I’m feeling stronger every day.  I no longer feel “ toxic”, a feeling that is hard to explain to someone who has not been through treatment.  I have some neuropathy in my feet, that is beginning to get better.  It’s so nice to have people to share these feelings with who understand them from the same perspective.  Enjoy your good health and the breeze in your new hair.

  • suzycruise76
    suzycruise76 Member Posts: 163 Member

    I,too,feel happy for you ZsaZsa,and can imagine your happy feelings. It is really great to forget about cancer for a while.

    I have constant problems with my iliostomy which is fortunatelly temporary; I had a colorectal tumour plus hysterectomy surgery 6 weeks ago,and because of my iliostomy often leaking I feel like a prisoner in my home. Most of the time my mind is on that problem,but from time to time I forget about it-and it feels like a beginning of a new life. Which-I hope- is going to happen soon when my surgeon decides on my reverse surgery.

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 568 Member
    Suzy, I'm wishing you a quick

    Suzy, I'm wishing you a quick re-connection!  The ileostomy is surely no pleasure.  Perhaps a different brand of bag and seal would work better for you?  I remember with my grandmother's urinary diversion bag, different brands sealed better than others.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I had tears in my eyes when I

    I had tears in my eyes when I read your post. You sound so happy and I am SO happy for you! One thing this d*mn cancer has done for me is make me realize how precious life is and to live each day as best I can.

    Here's to many more races and just to enjoying life to its fullest!



  • Lulu7582
    Lulu7582 Member Posts: 112 Member
    edited July 2019 #8
    Happy Days!

    Oh joy, oh joy!!! Yes, yes enjoy every day and every life moment. Cancer does that to us doesn't it!!! Makes us appreciate the small things in life. Sail on!! xoxo


  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 150 Member
    Me too

    I'm feeling pretty good too. I have ridden my horse several times, this means I also have to walk my forest trails to keep the wild blackberry bushes cut back! It is hard work but I am happy to be able to do that again. (and I think my injured ankle is a little better too) Sometimes after I do some hard physical work I get really achy and tired all over, not the same way as being tired from working, but a different kind of all over aching. My theory is that is residual chemo getting worked out of my system. Does that make sense to anyone?

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member
    Ribbons said:

    Me too

    I'm feeling pretty good too. I have ridden my horse several times, this means I also have to walk my forest trails to keep the wild blackberry bushes cut back! It is hard work but I am happy to be able to do that again. (and I think my injured ankle is a little better too) Sometimes after I do some hard physical work I get really achy and tired all over, not the same way as being tired from working, but a different kind of all over aching. My theory is that is residual chemo getting worked out of my system. Does that make sense to anyone?

    Totally get that feeling. I

    Totally get that feeling. I still get little random pains on occasion that feel like chemo did. It's like a buried sliver that works its way to rhe surface long after an injury.

  • suzycruise76
    suzycruise76 Member Posts: 163 Member
    zsazsa1 said:

    Suzy, I'm wishing you a quick

    Suzy, I'm wishing you a quick re-connection!  The ileostomy is surely no pleasure.  Perhaps a different brand of bag and seal would work better for you?  I remember with my grandmother's urinary diversion bag, different brands sealed better than others.


    thank you. If I were to keep the ileostomy for much longer or forever (no way!),I would look into changing the brand.The thing is that I am getting the supplies free under our Provincial health plan (I live in Canada),but the ammount is limited,so I live in constant stress that I will run out of it (esp.wafers-the sticky parts). To start looking for different brand seems to me hopeless; and it is close to impossible to buy missing part in retail store,even in those selling medical supplies.Everything must be order ahead,nothing in-store for emergencies.

    I am hoping to get an appointment with my surgeon soon,and start preparing for the reversal.

    All the best to you,


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member

    Zsa Zsa you have been through the fire and emerged the other side stronger.  I love the part where you are the only one brave enough to sit in the boom..   You are made of stronger stuff now.   Congratulations.  My happy place, like Ribbons is my horse.  I have her at the trainer however, and will ride in another month.  I think I am too old to ride a green broke horse.   I am almost 70.   Thanks for sharing your message of life!

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 150 Member


    Zsa Zsa you have been through the fire and emerged the other side stronger.  I love the part where you are the only one brave enough to sit in the boom..   You are made of stronger stuff now.   Congratulations.  My happy place, like Ribbons is my horse.  I have her at the trainer however, and will ride in another month.  I think I am too old to ride a green broke horse.   I am almost 70.   Thanks for sharing your message of life!

    My horse

    I love her! Her name is Ribbons. I got her the day she was weaned and she is 6 years old this year. I have another one that is not broke yet , I am 66 and I’m waiting for my daughter to help me with her, I’m too old for too much action! Lol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 150 Member


    Zsa Zsa you have been through the fire and emerged the other side stronger.  I love the part where you are the only one brave enough to sit in the boom..   You are made of stronger stuff now.   Congratulations.  My happy place, like Ribbons is my horse.  I have her at the trainer however, and will ride in another month.  I think I am too old to ride a green broke horse.   I am almost 70.   Thanks for sharing your message of life!

    My horse

    I love her! Her name is Ribbons. I got her the day she was weaned and she is 6 years old this year. I have another one that is not broke yet , I am 66 and I’m waiting for my daughter to help me with her, I’m too old for too much action! Lol

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited July 2019 #15


    thank you. If I were to keep the ileostomy for much longer or forever (no way!),I would look into changing the brand.The thing is that I am getting the supplies free under our Provincial health plan (I live in Canada),but the ammount is limited,so I live in constant stress that I will run out of it (esp.wafers-the sticky parts). To start looking for different brand seems to me hopeless; and it is close to impossible to buy missing part in retail store,even in those selling medical supplies.Everything must be order ahead,nothing in-store for emergencies.

    I am hoping to get an appointment with my surgeon soon,and start preparing for the reversal.

    All the best to you,


    Hi Suzy

    Hi Suzy

    i had the same surgery last year.   They took out my rectum along with part of my colon  and also my hernia mesh which caused them also to remove part of my small intestine requiring me to have an ileostomy.    I had the reversal surgery later on.    With your leaking make sure you get the sealing paste all around the stoma before placing the wafer.  

    I had problems because I am allergic to adhesive so it was really bothering me.  You may also try calling the companies for free samples.  

    My best to you


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Zaza, I love hearing about

    Zaza, I love hearing about your fun on the water. What a great way to escape from cancer for the day! Enjoy:)

  • Feelingalone74
    Feelingalone74 Member Posts: 243
    edited August 2019 #17
    Keep Sailing Zsazsa1! What a

    Keep Sailing Zsazsa1! What a WONDERFUL day you experience with your husband.  It brings a smile and hope to me!!!

    Thank you for sharing !

    I hope u get to sail again soon!