Is it safe to leave in chemo port long term?

cinda Member Posts: 65

I had a chemo port put in December 2018. I haven't used it since I finished a month of 5FU. Is it safe to just leave it in. Has anyone had problems with it down the line?



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited July 2019 #2

    My Oncologist wanted mine out just as soon as I had my first clear scan.  He told me that there are too many instances of infection and problems if left in too long.

    Others here have had their ports in for months and even years after their last chemo infusion, and have had no problems. Most get it flushed on a regular basis. 

    I suggest you talk to you Oncologist and see what his recommendations are. It seems that one Doctor has a different idea than another. 

    Welcome to the forum, by the way.  


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    6 years

    i had my port in for 6 years.  Only used it the first year.  However I got it flushed every 4/6 weeks.  That is until my local hospital denied me to have it done there.  I then went 4 months withour it being flushed and then finally had a doctor remove it. 

  • cinda
    cinda Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2019 #4

    Thank you for your comments .My oncologist wants me to have strong chemo for my cancer. so he won't want to get it out. I just can't deal with that right now. I haven't had it flushed in a couple of months .really wasn't working that good when I had last bloodwork. The surgeon that would be removeing it is the one that wants to do my colon surgery. since I would be asleep for that I'm afraid He would do something to make me have to have surgery. sound kinda of crazy but you never know.


  • RichieTheK
    RichieTheK Member Posts: 13 Member
    Port problem

    I just had my port removed this past Friday because it had gotten infected. It was outpatient surgery under a local anesthetic. The port had been in regular use and I will be getting a new one in early August. 

    The infection may have been introduced during the most recent access or takedown, I don't know. The timing seems right. 

    There is always a small risk of infection whenever a port is accessed, even if it's just for flushing. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm surprised that they haven't told you that they wanted to flush it.  It's best to do that every six weeks, at least that's what they told me.  It doesn't hurt to have it in for a long period of time as long as it doesn't cause any problems.  Mine was never used for blood draws though. 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Mine got flushed for awhile

    Mine got flushed for awhile after chemo, but then was ignored for years until my second liver resection. I had no issues with it.......................Dave

  • cinda
    cinda Member Posts: 65

    one lady that flushed mine told me a lady hadn't flushed hers for 7 years and came in and they had no problem  getting  blood from it. other's at the clinic said flush it 4-6 weeks. Its a bit comfusing. I think I'll let might go unless a problem comes up. Thank-you to everyone that comented. It make me not feel alone on this journey.

      God bless 
