Prostate Cancer

KatieHh Member Posts: 1



My husband just was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.  We are looking into all kinds of avenues for treatment.  His doctor has suggested radiation or surgery.  Reading up on it, I am not crazy about either.  


I was wondering if anyone has been treated with the Laser Ablation such as the one by Sperling Prostate Cancer in Del Ray, Florida.  


He had Leukemia and went through very difficult treatments and now he has to go through this prostate cancer treatment.  Can anyone suggest any alternative treatments to surgery and radiation



Radioactive Seed Inplants.


Please let me know.





  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member


    I was similiar to your husband : I had advanced lymphoma several years before PCa (prostate cancer). But do be aware that the two are in no way linked.

    Two modalities are CURATIVE of PCa, and these are surgical removal, or radiation.  If he wishes to be cured of PCa, he will undergo one or the other.   Waiting, under Active Survellance ("AS"), is a viable option in non-aggressive cases, but it is not curative.  Chemo is never curative of PCa, and is administered for palliative effect, as is hormonal therapy (HT).  In this, PCa is radically different from the sister diseases of leukemia and lymphoma (both are WBC diseases), in which chemo is the ONLY curative therapy.

    Be aware that brachytherapy IS radiation, just delivered in a different manner.  It is a frequent choice in minor cases not exhibiting aggression.

    Holistic cures and 'natural' approaches have zero academic, medical support, but the practicioners will take your money, frequently more than doctors and cancer centers charge.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    First things first


    The choice of a treatment depends on the status of the cancer, how far it has spread, where it is located and how healthy the patient is to endure treatment. Can you share more info on the diagnosis of your husband? What is the clinical stage provided by the urologist?

    Can you tell the grade in Gleason score and the results of any image exam?

    How about the PSA histology? What made him to go through a biopsy that confirmed existing cancer?

    What is his age?

    Do you have a copy of the pathologist’s report? What does it say?

    Here are some links that may help you to understand the facts about prostate cancer. You may then prepare your own list of questions for your next meeting with the doctor (s);[tt_news]=365457&cHash=b0ba623513502d3944c80bc1935e0958

    Here are some ideas for the List of Questions;

    I recommend you to get second opinions from various specialists before deciding on a therapy. Do not rush to a treatment without knowing its risks and benefits.

    Best wishes and luck in this journey.




  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 393 Member
    Myriad of Treatments

    There are a myriad of treatments out there.  I did not have laser ablation.  Best thing to do is ask questions and do your homework then make a decision.  There are a lot of folks on this site a lot more knowledgeable than me.  This is an excellent site for information.  Quality of life becomes a real issue when trying to make a decision.  If you search on this site for the word ablation, you will see a lot of articles on laser ablation.  Some of these articles are dated, so I am sure the technology today is better.  Good luck on this journey.


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,162 Member
    Good advice

    Hi Katie,

    Vasco and the others are right, you have to know what you are up against before you can decide on treatment.  Once you know how agressive and where in the Prostate the cancer is located, then you can make a decision.  You doctors should guide you on the proper tests to run to grade and locate the cancer.  Lets us know how we can help you down your path.

    Dave 3+4

  • Murphy549
    Murphy549 Member Posts: 18

    realized I posted my question in the wrong location. Sorry new to board. 

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,162 Member
    More tests?

    Hi Murphy,

    If it was me I would want to know if the cancer has spead outside the gland by some form of diagnostic imaging (MRI, PET).  Once you know this then you can define which treatment plan you want. I don’t feel surgery would do much good if the cancer has spread outside the Prostate, radiation in one of it’s many forms might be better. A second opinion is a very good idea before you decide on any type of treatment. Just my 2c worth...........

    Dave 3+4 

  • Murphy549
    Murphy549 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2019 #8

    More tests?

    Hi Murphy,

    If it was me I would want to know if the cancer has spead outside the gland by some form of diagnostic imaging (MRI, PET).  Once you know this then you can define which treatment plan you want. I don’t feel surgery would do much good if the cancer has spread outside the Prostate, radiation in one of it’s many forms might be better. A second opinion is a very good idea before you decide on any type of treatment. Just my 2c worth...........

    Dave 3+4 


    Thanks Dave,  I’ll ask the Drs about the testing when we go for the second opinion. 



  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,162 Member
    edited August 2019 #9
    More research needed?

    Hi Mark,

    Sounds like there has been some studies on CBD oil but from what I have read its not a cure for Prostate cancer.  The info I looked at seems to indicate that the CBD can weaken the cancer cells and provide pain relief.  If it was me and I wanted to destroy the cancer cells I would not use CBD as my main weapon, but that’s just my 2c worth.

     Good article:

    Dave 3+4