Good News To Share

Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member

I am just back from Doctor follow up one week after surgery  - I got good news!  They caught it early and I will not need to do chemo or radiation Doctor said but I will be monitored closely with follow up again in one month in between that time have appts. with Speech Pathologist, Nutritionist and another Barium swallow.  I still cannot talk all that well and must be on liquid diet for now probably for another month but since I have been on this forum I have been blessed in many ways to meet and know you all, receive your generous gifts of kindess and prayers and thoughts and experiences to share.  I just wanted to share some Good News with you all.  I was facing a glossectomy, neck dissection and flap reconstruction and only surgery was needed.  Then the biopsies came back and no spread and the Doctor said they caught it early.  I am so Thankful to God and Jesus and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven especially Saint Pope John Paul ll, St Jude, Padre Pio to name a few I prayed along with you all and was granted a miracle many miracles.  I will be checking in with Doctor for many follow up appts.  for a long time but will keep you all posted as to how things are going and hope all of you are blessed just the same if not more.  I love you all.  God Bless 


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  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Not just good, but GREAT news!

    So happy to hear this!  May you heal thoroughly and your cancer never return.  But don't be a stranger because sooner or later someone else will come along with a similar story and you'll be able to share yours and offer encouragement.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    You Have Been

    Truly Blessed. So Blessed to avoid chemo and radiation. I am very glad for you also that your surgery went smoothly and was successful. I am thankful our prayers were answered and I share in your joy and happiness-God Bless

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Wonderful news!

    Wonderful news!

  • katlou
    katlou Member Posts: 83 Member
    So happy for you


    I have been following your story and wanted you to know how happy I am for you.  I had a similar experience in that I had a superficial cancer on the underside of my tongue.  I also did not require a neck dissection or radiation or chemo because of how small the tumor was.  I just had a wide resection done to make sure there was a large enough cancer free margin around the tumor.  This all started for me November of 2017 and I am still cancer free.  Just wanted to share that with you to give you more hope that maybe this will be the end of it for you.

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    katlou said:

    So happy for you


    I have been following your story and wanted you to know how happy I am for you.  I had a similar experience in that I had a superficial cancer on the underside of my tongue.  I also did not require a neck dissection or radiation or chemo because of how small the tumor was.  I just had a wide resection done to make sure there was a large enough cancer free margin around the tumor.  This all started for me November of 2017 and I am still cancer free.  Just wanted to share that with you to give you more hope that maybe this will be the end of it for you.

    Thank you katlou

    Thank you for sharing your story with me I am so glad you are cancer free katlou.  God Bless You and Keep You healthy and happy.  I hope to God and pray to Saint Pope John Paul ll, Padre Pio, St Jude and St Peregrine and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven and Jesus and Holy Mary, Mother of God that this is the end of it for me.  I feel truly blessed and believe miracles happened for me.  I pray for everyone on this forum that each and everyone will be cancer free and without ache, ailment or pain and suffering.  This forum has been a blessing to me and my family.  I thank you all for sharing in my good news and wishing me well and blessings.  I truly appreciate all the help and support and encouragement and hope. HOPE is everything, FAITH is everything and LOVE of one another as is on this forum is everything. 

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Happy for you!


    I'm very glad to hear that you caught it early - and that you won't be needing treatment (as it can be pretty challenging)!!

    Have a great day!

    motorcycleguy (aka: Curt)

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member

    Happy for you!


    I'm very glad to hear that you caught it early - and that you won't be needing treatment (as it can be pretty challenging)!!

    Have a great day!

    motorcycleguy (aka: Curt)

    No treatment

    Catching it early is very key in this world we live in. As someone else stated treatment is a crap shoot since every case and everyone is different in the the way they respond mentally and physically. So glad you caught it early and hoping you have continued sucess Sabrina.

  • GailMac
    GailMac Member Posts: 1
    Just wondering what specific

    Just wondering what specific type of cancer was it?  God bless.


  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    GailMac said:

    Just wondering what specific

    Just wondering what specific type of cancer was it?  God bless.


    Thank you and God Bless you All

    Thank you All for your kind thoughtful words, thoughts blessings and prayers.  My cancer was well differentiated the surgeon said it was barely a Stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma on the underside of my tongue left side front of tongue.  She said it was not deep and that it was superficial.  I only had the surgery where they cut out part of my tongue and did a flap graft.  

  • Jordie57
    Jordie57 Member Posts: 12
    The angles are rejoicing....

    You continue those prayers and so will I.  This is the news that keeps us all going.

    you have been through HELL....

    But as Winston Churchill said....."When you're going through hell, keep going"

    May God continue to bless you and keep you 

  • wallis2
    wallis2 Member Posts: 56 Member
    Great News!!!

    Great News!!! I am so happy for you.  

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Nice to read


    I will accept your good news and will anticipate your reoccurring “GOOD NEWS” following each of your future check-ups.

     The surgery to the base of my tongue was similar to yours.  An ulcerated sore was removed along with all the questionable surrounding area.

    My sister is a doctor of viral biology and she worked with the HPV for the final 8 years +/- of her career (she recently retired). She told me that the HPV may (happily) live below the surface of the skin for many years, before making an appearance and hence getting our attention.

    Have a great summer and remain without any cancer.  I mean it!!


  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Nice to read


    I will accept your good news and will anticipate your reoccurring “GOOD NEWS” following each of your future check-ups.

     The surgery to the base of my tongue was similar to yours.  An ulcerated sore was removed along with all the questionable surrounding area.

    My sister is a doctor of viral biology and she worked with the HPV for the final 8 years +/- of her career (she recently retired). She told me that the HPV may (happily) live below the surface of the skin for many years, before making an appearance and hence getting our attention.

    Have a great summer and remain without any cancer.  I mean it!!


    Thank you CivilMatt and everyone on board

    Thank you so much CivilMatt for your kind words, thoughts and well wishes!  I hope you have a great summer as well and may we all never have cancer to return ever.  God Bless You and everyone on the forum discussion board your unwavering support, love and kindness is beyond appreciated by me, my twin sister and my Mom.  We are 3 live together and have gotten thru this journey together.  I think each and everyone of you with all my heart and soul.  


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