Kayak On The Water

mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306

The profile pic I uploaded was from my first kayak trip today. Boy, can I tell my energy level has changed.. lol Muscle tone wasted away over the past few months but I paddled thru.. lol.. The pic shows a momma duck and her babies. They came right up to me.. such a beautiful day. I am so grateful for this “moment”...Hope everyone had a good “moment” along the way today.. hugs, M



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Wet, wet, wet

    I went up to my canyon today, in the rain, and walked.  Soaked through to the skin and smiling all the way. 

    Why walk in the rain, you may ask. Well, I live in the Nevada desert, and rain is hard to come by - lot of snow though -

    Your strenght will return as you keep going out on your kayak. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you for sharing! That's

    Thank you for sharing! That's wonderful!


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited May 2019 #4

    So glad that you got to enjoy something you loved.  You will get your muscles and energy back the more you do it.  So great that you can see the nature while you do something you love.  Looks like a beautiful day there.


  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Wet, wet, wet

    I went up to my canyon today, in the rain, and walked.  Soaked through to the skin and smiling all the way. 

    Why walk in the rain, you may ask. Well, I live in the Nevada desert, and rain is hard to come by - lot of snow though -

    Your strenght will return as you keep going out on your kayak. 


    Fellow desert rat

    Understand perfectly the love of rain Tru!  Mojo so glad to hear you got out and made your maiden post chemo voyage--it is so wonderful to feel good and be active!  Keep at it, your endurance will come back ! Wanted to let you know my scan was good, nothing new grew and the existing met shrank a little, even tho last chemo was 11/6, Doc says my immune system must be keeping it stable. CEA was 1.6--so I am set free to live it up another 3 months and get rescanned. Port is coming out Tuesday!! Looking forward to summer for sure.

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2019 #6

    Fellow desert rat

    Understand perfectly the love of rain Tru!  Mojo so glad to hear you got out and made your maiden post chemo voyage--it is so wonderful to feel good and be active!  Keep at it, your endurance will come back ! Wanted to let you know my scan was good, nothing new grew and the existing met shrank a little, even tho last chemo was 11/6, Doc says my immune system must be keeping it stable. CEA was 1.6--so I am set free to live it up another 3 months and get rescanned. Port is coming out Tuesday!! Looking forward to summer for sure.

    Woohoo and Happy Dance!!

    I kept looking for word from you..Hallelujah!!I am beyond thrilled for you. That is SUPER news!! I know you will be just as happy to get that damn port out. The last of the surgical glue is peeling off of the incision made to get mine out. It has healed quickl. Wishing you the best and sending a huge hug your way!!..M

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    Trubrit said:

    Wet, wet, wet

    I went up to my canyon today, in the rain, and walked.  Soaked through to the skin and smiling all the way. 

    Why walk in the rain, you may ask. Well, I live in the Nevada desert, and rain is hard to come by - lot of snow though -

    Your strenght will return as you keep going out on your kayak. 



    It's funny how two totally different places can inspire...your desert and my mountains. I love walking in the rain (as long as there is no lightening, lol)..I believe there is beauty in everything if we look for it. Going for a long walk this morning after breakfast and will continue to build my strength back up. Hugs your way Tru

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    JanJan63 said:

    Thank you for sharing! That's

    Thank you for sharing! That's wonderful!


    Good vibes your way..

    I am so sorry you are struggling right now. Hang in there Jan. My husband taped a saying on to our computer monitor and it is still there. It says "tough times don't last...tough people do". Your tough and you can get thru this, one day at a time. Wishing better days  your way...hugs, M

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306


    So glad that you got to enjoy something you loved.  You will get your muscles and energy back the more you do it.  So great that you can see the nature while you do something you love.  Looks like a beautiful day there.


    It was a "perfect" day..

    Thanks Kim...the day was gorgeous. I layed on the bank of the lake for a while and soaked up the sun. Such a simple thing but it was wonderful!!

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm finally cleared to kayak again

    I've hot 12 weeks post-op.  But the weather hasn't cooperated!  Enjoy the peace and freedom from troubles the kayak gives.   I'll be back in my boat when I get home.  (Traveling now. )


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Glad to hear you are back on the water again and feeling better.

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi Mojogirl

      Many years ago I build my own kayak and spent years paddling around in may areas both inshore and offshore. I turned 69 in april and in jan I racked up 21 years of survival. Last November I came to the decision that I would much rather die with a four metre kayak than without one.  I went ahead and bought it and have had some epic adventures already. There  are some laws of physics that apply to kayaks, First is that they are always heavier than they look. Next is that no matter which direction you are  travelling it is always against the wind. (wind and tide are not our friends) . Stopping for a rest for ten minutes requires over an hours paddling to get back to where you rested.

        I went on a trip to a remote area. It is a large estuary. The wind never got below 30 knots. I went out on four days I spent 33 hours paddling. The worst trip was 11 hours non stop paddling. Was it fun ,YES.  I am waiting for a lull in the wind and rain to get out again. happy paddling, Ron.

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    abrub said:

    I'm finally cleared to kayak again

    I've hot 12 weeks post-op.  But the weather hasn't cooperated!  Enjoy the peace and freedom from troubles the kayak gives.   I'll be back in my boat when I get home.  (Traveling now. )


    You Will Be On The Water Soon...

    Wishing you safe travels and hoping you too will be on the water soaking in the peace and freedom!! Hugs, M

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306


    Glad to hear you are back on the water again and feeling better.

    Thank You!

    How did your hiking event go? I am feeling better. I've started exercising to build my strength back. With the liver resection, I suppose I will always feel something "different" in my abs due to the cut nerves. I've seen different time frames on when people get back into weights and such. I suppose everyone is different. I can't believe the strength and muscle I lost in my arms. I've been working with my weights to bring that back. Wishing you a great day!!...Hugs, M


  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    ron50 said:

    Hi Mojogirl

      Many years ago I build my own kayak and spent years paddling around in may areas both inshore and offshore. I turned 69 in april and in jan I racked up 21 years of survival. Last November I came to the decision that I would much rather die with a four metre kayak than without one.  I went ahead and bought it and have had some epic adventures already. There  are some laws of physics that apply to kayaks, First is that they are always heavier than they look. Next is that no matter which direction you are  travelling it is always against the wind. (wind and tide are not our friends) . Stopping for a rest for ten minutes requires over an hours paddling to get back to where you rested.

        I went on a trip to a remote area. It is a large estuary. The wind never got below 30 knots. I went out on four days I spent 33 hours paddling. The worst trip was 11 hours non stop paddling. Was it fun ,YES.  I am waiting for a lull in the wind and rain to get out again. happy paddling, Ron.

    Hi There!

    Congrats on the 21 years...that's wonderful to hear!! I pray that I follow in your footsteps. My first run on the lake was suprising. I guess it will take a while to get strength and muscle back after treatment and surgery. I would love to take a remote kayaking trip somewhere but I would be too scared to go alone. I have a friend who loves to camp and kayak who is away at the beach this week. When she returns, we are planning some adventures, lol. Thank you for taking the time to stop in. Wishing you many more years of good health and "happy paddling"!..Hugs, M

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited May 2019 #16


    The hike was a great success.  I will prepare a post in the next few days.  Congratulations on your return to activity.  One thought, you might want to take it a bit easy.  I remember after my surgery, they said I could tear the scars.  One day, I overdid the hiking, had great pain, and thought I was heading back to surgery.  Actually, it all turned out okay, but I did back off for a few weeks.  I think I stuck with walking only for about two months, before I headed back to the gym.  It almost seems like the cancer and surgery sucks the muscle-mass from your body.  Now, more than two years out, I may be back where I started, but there is also the change with aging to deal with.  

    I second that, Sandia

    I too went into acitvity a bit too fast, and to this day - five years after my liver surgery, I can 'feel' the scar tissue in my liver. I call it twinges, as it is not pain, just a 'there' feeling. I feel it at this very moment, actually.  I believe it was casued by starting a little too soon with the walking and hiking. 

    With the arm weights, you still use your core to lift those, so be real careful. You don't know you've pushed it too far, until you've pushed it too far. 

    Just doing regular household things will strenghten the arm muscles, so I would say drop the weights - but not on your toes - for a bit. 

    At the end of the day though, you will be the one who really deteriminds when and how you build up your strenght and we will be the ones to support you all the way. 

    I meditated in the rain by the creek, up my canyon this morning. It was wonderful! 


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited May 2019 #17

    We got out on the kayaks too. It's been 4 years since I have been. 3 years of cancer kept me from it. I am 6 months out and NED. It's glorious! Enjoy! This is the only life we get. I may not be as strong or as young as I once was but by God I'm here!

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2019 #18


    The hike was a great success.  I will prepare a post in the next few days.  Congratulations on your return to activity.  One thought, you might want to take it a bit easy.  I remember after my surgery, they said I could tear the scars.  One day, I overdid the hiking, had great pain, and thought I was heading back to surgery.  Actually, it all turned out okay, but I did back off for a few weeks.  I think I stuck with walking only for about two months, before I headed back to the gym.  It almost seems like the cancer and surgery sucks the muscle-mass from your body.  Now, more than two years out, I may be back where I started, but there is also the change with aging to deal with.  

    Walking First...

    The walking helps everything. I was having trouble with sleeping which I read is quite common after chemo. I walk in the late afternoon and it seems to help me undwind. I have been using the weights for my arms mostly. I still feel too much in the area of my scars on my stomach to take a chance with tearing anything. The "numbness' in my stomach feels so weird. I wonder if I will always have that feeling. I think I am going to add biking into the routine as well. You are right about the chemo sucking the muscle mass out of your body. I have always exercised and have been pretty fit most of my life. The last few months did a number on my body. I can already tell a difference for the better and I just hope things stay that way, lol. I'll be looking for the post on your hike!! Hugs, M

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2019 #19
    Kazenmax said:


    We got out on the kayaks too. It's been 4 years since I have been. 3 years of cancer kept me from it. I am 6 months out and NED. It's glorious! Enjoy! This is the only life we get. I may not be as strong or as young as I once was but by God I'm here!


    I love to hear that!! I am so happy you are soaking it up. It is amazing what we take for granted but cherish so much more when we come out of treatment. I hope your strength comes back quickly and you get to enjoy those kayaks often! Congrats on being NED!!..I have a scan in July and I am praying for the same!! Hugs, M

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2019 #20
    Trubrit said:

    I second that, Sandia

    I too went into acitvity a bit too fast, and to this day - five years after my liver surgery, I can 'feel' the scar tissue in my liver. I call it twinges, as it is not pain, just a 'there' feeling. I feel it at this very moment, actually.  I believe it was casued by starting a little too soon with the walking and hiking. 

    With the arm weights, you still use your core to lift those, so be real careful. You don't know you've pushed it too far, until you've pushed it too far. 

    Just doing regular household things will strenghten the arm muscles, so I would say drop the weights - but not on your toes - for a bit. 

    At the end of the day though, you will be the one who really deteriminds when and how you build up your strenght and we will be the ones to support you all the way. 

    I meditated in the rain by the creek, up my canyon this morning. It was wonderful! 


    Walking Mainly

    Walking has been great medicine for me. There is an old golf course near me that has been turned into a nature park with endless trails for walking. It's peaceful and beautiful. I go in the late afternoon and it has helped with digestion and also seems to help with the insomnia I have been fighting. I may check into some yoga classes this week. I am so happy you have a beautiful place to meditate and spend time in. That is such a blessing. I am so grateful to be back in my mountains. Just being here calms my soul. Wishing you a beautiful day Tru!!...Hugs, M

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member

    You Will Be On The Water Soon...

    Wishing you safe travels and hoping you too will be on the water soaking in the peace and freedom!! Hugs, M

    We're currently traveling

    And I've been walking 5+ miles a day.  Looking forward to getting back on the water when we get home.  But I'm feeling fabulous!