A whirlwind since January 2019

I was diagnosed out of nowhere in January 2019 with NHL. The first 2 chemo treatments were a disaster as other things went wrong due to the chemo. I was hospitalized for 2 months, then sent to a nursing home for 2 months and I got home April 15. I have now taken 4 or the scheduled 6 chemo treatments. The third and forth went fairly well with no complications. After the 3rd treatment I had a PET scan done and saw my onc before getting the forth treatment. At that time she tole me I was in remission. I couldn' believe it...not sure if I do now. After everything...even being very close to death twice...and now remission? It's a lot to digest in a short period of time...so many emotions...I still have to take the last 2 chemo treatments. From nearly dying to remission...have no clue what to do about life now...anyone else in a similar situation?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited May 2019 #2
    Pick up the pieces and carry on

    What a horrible experience! If you don't mind, which type/sub-type of lymphoma did you have? There are 50+ varieities and they all seem to act somewhat differently and are treated differently. As to what now, I have a perhaps unique take on that. I did not want to go back to my old life - because my old life had cancer in its future. So, what most of us do is find a way to be thankful for waking up each morning, for taking each breath, for being privided for - or whatever - and then we ease into our new life. 

    It will not be like before - it can't be. However, I have spoken with many who note that they have a newfound appreciation for life, no matter how well or damaged they may be by the treatment. Psychologically, if you are struggling, you might check with your primary doctor, or perhaps better yet: the cancer center that treated you certainly has resources available to help you adjust to all of the changes.

    And family? Friends? Neighbors? All should be helpful, sympathetic and willing to help you make those connections that you have missed.