New Pump Design and Smaller Needle

mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306 Member

When I got my infusion yesterday, they had switched to a new set up. The pack they sent me home with looks like a little lemon juice container and it goes into a much smaller carry bag. Also the needle into the port was smaller in size and it fit so much closer so it wasn't so bulky. I have never had any pain with insertion of the needle but I did feel a little pinch yesterday. All in all, I like the new one better. It makes NO noise at all. The one before would make a little purring sound during the cycle and I am extremely sensitive to sound so this one is great. Curious about what others might have, good or bad. Wishing everybody good things for their day! Hugs, M


  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    You know, a nurse mentioned a

    You know, a nurse mentioned a smaller one to me, and said how great it was. Then I asked another nurse about it, and she said it was harder to regulate the output. I get what you are saying about that noise! First, my cats were so intrigued when I first started bringing it home. Second, I got very little sleep with it. I would cover it with a pillow and leave the TV on all night to try and make me notice that intermittent sound, but still woke up frequently. 

  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited April 2019 #3
    abita said:

    You know, a nurse mentioned a

    You know, a nurse mentioned a smaller one to me, and said how great it was. Then I asked another nurse about it, and she said it was harder to regulate the output. I get what you are saying about that noise! First, my cats were so intrigued when I first started bringing it home. Second, I got very little sleep with it. I would cover it with a pillow and leave the TV on all night to try and make me notice that intermittent sound, but still woke up frequently. 

    The Verdict Is Still Out

    I hated the purring sound too. You would think it would be soothing but not when it cycles off and kicks in about the time you are starting to doze, lol. I guess I will know in a cycle or two if I like this new setup. Really, just the pinch of the needle going in was the only difference but I think it was noticeable because I had been off of the chemo for a while. I'll keep you posted. Hugs, M

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yes Been A Awhile Now

    About 6 months or so ago they no longer were getting the dosi-infusers (the ones that look like Tylenol pills, but bigger) - they stopped making them due to certain issues.  There was one similar to the lemon for a bit and now the lemon.  (I have been lucky, never had the mechanical pump/battery style, always had the ones that work on body heat with no noise.)   I guess, enjoy it?  LOL  What to say on this.  Glad you are doing well Mojo 

  • Princey
    Princey Member Posts: 17
    that sounds like the one my

    that sounds like the one my husband had.  It didn't make any noise at all and was pretty small.  


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Great that it is smaller and less noise.  Mine was also loud in pumping at night but just put a pillow over it.  It's been so long since my infusions so I'm sure there are new things out there.  Hope you are doing good tonight.


  • mojogirl67
    mojogirl67 Member Posts: 306 Member


    Great that it is smaller and less noise.  Mine was also loud in pumping at night but just put a pillow over it.  It's been so long since my infusions so I'm sure there are new things out there.  Hope you are doing good tonight.


    New Pump Is Much Better

    This new pump is so small that I can fit the bag into my purse. The tubing wasn't as long so I was a little nervous about turning. I always hang my bag on the bed post. I didn't rest so well last night but I think it was the steroid effects which I knew would kick in. I suppose I'll crash over the next few days and sleep. No getting around it but I sure HATE going thru it. I'll do what I have to do with all I have to get this nasty stuff out of my life I pray for good. Thank you for thinking of me and taking time to drop a note. Hugs, M

  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    That noise

    That the old pumps made reminded me of a CD ejecting from the car player lol. Glad they have improved the size and sounds! Hope you breeze thru this round of chemo --and are soon NED!

  • Nazareth
    Nazareth Member Posts: 88 Member
    [[The pack they sent me home

    [[The pack they sent me home with looks like a little lemon juice container and it goes into a much smaller carry bag.]]

    Sounds awsome- I hated the infusion pumps thast i had to carry around- I always felt liek a ghosdt buster carrying aroudn a proton pack, and carried a rabid jaguar, that was passing a kidney stone, under my shirt-

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    New Pump Is Much Better

    This new pump is so small that I can fit the bag into my purse. The tubing wasn't as long so I was a little nervous about turning. I always hang my bag on the bed post. I didn't rest so well last night but I think it was the steroid effects which I knew would kick in. I suppose I'll crash over the next few days and sleep. No getting around it but I sure HATE going thru it. I'll do what I have to do with all I have to get this nasty stuff out of my life I pray for good. Thank you for thinking of me and taking time to drop a note. Hugs, M


    You might want to ask them to give you extra tubing as it can be pulled out at night if it is too short.  Mine was pretty long so really didn't need to worry about it at night.  Taking a shower was a little harder so I'd just take sponge baths at night so it didn't come off in the shower.  You will crash after being disconnected so don't think it's unusual.  You will run around like the energizer bunny right now and sleep afterwards and then get your energy back.  Thinking about you and hoping you do well after disconnect.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • MsLindaG
    MsLindaG Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2019 #11
    Pump and home setup

    So the new pump sounds great! Hope they get them here. Several have mentioned "coming home" with their pump. Here, they have started using a company that goes to the patient's home to hook them up and then again to unhook them. Is that not being done in your area(s)?