Happy Passover and Easter

abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member

This is a true story, that happened at our house.  The premise for those who don't know:  Matzo is known to be constipating, and we're facing a week of it!

 Enjoy Happy Passover and Easter to all!


 April 11, 2013:  The truth about matzo:

I went to our bread drawer today, looking for a simple cracker (or yes, even a leftover matzo.) I noticed that the box of matzo looked torn, and every piece in it had been nibbled (the curved missing sections were the key.) Yet, nowhere in the drawer were the mouse droppings that are always evident when we have mice (haven’t had the little visitors in a couple of years.) Crumbs, yes. Bits of chewed cardboard, yes. But no mouse turds! I can only assume that matzo affects mice the same way it affects humans!

‘Nuff said!




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Greetings Abrub

    And a Happy Passover to you. 

    Serves those little beggars right, eating your Matzos - or maybe, saving you from the constipation.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    That is funny.  I'm not able to eat anything binding either and think they were just saving you from big tummy troubles.  Thank you for the Passover and Easter Blessings.  Wishing the same for you.
