I want to take the holiday weekend off as a holiday from cancer!

zsazsa1 Member Posts: 568 Member

I'm taking a weekend off from cancer!  Sure, I'm in radiation and the side effects suck.  But it's the holiday, my daughter came home from college with a gang of friends for the Seder.  I cannot believe I did it, but I made the entire seder meal, and we had a wonderful time.

She came home sporting a buzz cut.  I was so upset - she is a beautiful girl, and even though she had on skillfully-applied makeup, the buzz cut look upset me.  I thought, "I have to look like this, but you don't!"  After we got all the friends set up with linens, blankets, and pillows for the night, she hugged me, and said, "But Mom, you took off your hat!"  And I realized I had, in front of all her friends.  She and I look very much alike, and I guess I was made more comfortable by her buzz cut to show off mine!

So no cancer thoughts this weekend!  It's a holiday.  Let's celebrate being alive and able to celebrate the holiday with our loved ones.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Happy Holiday weekend !

    I am joining you.  Celebrating so many things.  Enjoy your family Zsa Zsa.  

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    Yes, have a wonderful weekend

    Yes, have a wonderful weekend! I remember when my daughter shaved one side of her head. I was shocked, but it did look good on her. Fast forward a few years, and she's married with children, and expecting another next month. Today we're having a little celebration for #3 (they're calling it a sprinkle instead of a shower since its not her first). Her hair is long and beautiful again. They do go thru stages that can drive us crazy though:)

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 568 Member

    Yes, have a wonderful weekend

    Yes, have a wonderful weekend! I remember when my daughter shaved one side of her head. I was shocked, but it did look good on her. Fast forward a few years, and she's married with children, and expecting another next month. Today we're having a little celebration for #3 (they're calling it a sprinkle instead of a shower since its not her first). Her hair is long and beautiful again. They do go thru stages that can drive us crazy though:)

    I love that, a "sprinkle"! 

    I love that, a "sprinkle"!  Haha haha.  You are so right to take any opportunity to celebrate, and a grandchild on the way is certainly something to celebrate.

    When I said something to her last night about the buzz cut, she said, "But Mom, it's not permanent, like aa tattoo, and college is a liberal, forward-looking community.  If I can't play with my hair now, then when?"  And I realized that she was right.  I just hope it grows in quickly, because if she goes to study again in Russia this summer, I don't think that the punk rocker look (isn't that a blast from the past) will go over well there.

  • suzycruise76
    suzycruise76 Member Posts: 163 Member
    Hi zsazsa,

    I admire you! To make the whole holiday meal for so many people while still in radiation treatment...you must be a very strong woman ;-)

    I finished my chemoradiation 10 days ago,most of my side effects receded,but the terrible fatique is still with me. Every day I feel I can do a lot...but after a few hours of activity I am completely done and need a rest. Oh well,hopefully it will get better,at least before my surgery time comes,which should be at the end of May.

    Have a great time with your family and your daughter's friends,


  • Lulu7582
    Lulu7582 Member Posts: 112 Member
    Yes agree

    Enjoy the holiday with your family! And good on you for cooking the whole seder meal...wow that is an accomplishment. Yes we all need those breaks from the 'c'!! I had no. 3 taxol yesterday the dose was 117mg/m2 rather than the 135mgs /m2 so hoping no further neuropathy issues. Anyway I also get a 2 week holiday from the infusion center YAY!!! 

    As far as the buzz cut ...understand!!! I love my pixie cut but do look longingly at my old pictures with my cute bob!! And at others with long flowing pretty hair. Oh well right now my priorities are kill the little cancer beasts!!

    Unfortuately we can't control our daughters. Mine who is 28 just informed us she is driving to LA this Easter weekend to get a tattoo from a famous Aussie tattoo artist on tour there. God help me! Where did I go wrong!!! This is a girl who is smart did her masters at Duke and works for the EPA as a eco toxicologist!!!! What can you do but just accept and love unconditionally. 

    Happy Easter / Passover my friends and yes lets all take a break from the 'c'!! xoxo

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hoppy Easter to all!

    It's so easy to get caught up in what life throws at us, but it's so healthy to takes these kind of breaks to enjoy what we do it for. Thanks for sharing ZzaZza! Laughing

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 568 Member
    Lulu7582 said:

    Yes agree

    Enjoy the holiday with your family! And good on you for cooking the whole seder meal...wow that is an accomplishment. Yes we all need those breaks from the 'c'!! I had no. 3 taxol yesterday the dose was 117mg/m2 rather than the 135mgs /m2 so hoping no further neuropathy issues. Anyway I also get a 2 week holiday from the infusion center YAY!!! 

    As far as the buzz cut ...understand!!! I love my pixie cut but do look longingly at my old pictures with my cute bob!! And at others with long flowing pretty hair. Oh well right now my priorities are kill the little cancer beasts!!

    Unfortuately we can't control our daughters. Mine who is 28 just informed us she is driving to LA this Easter weekend to get a tattoo from a famous Aussie tattoo artist on tour there. God help me! Where did I go wrong!!! This is a girl who is smart did her masters at Duke and works for the EPA as a eco toxicologist!!!! What can you do but just accept and love unconditionally. 

    Happy Easter / Passover my friends and yes lets all take a break from the 'c'!! xoxo

    I know just how you feel

    I know just how you feel about the tattoo issue.  The one thing you might want to tell/write/email/text her that might change her mind is:  What makes her think that the tattoo she gets on her body now, is the tattoo she'll want on her body 20 years from now?  Twenty years ago, she would have chosen My Pretty Pony!

    I knew someone who tried this on her daughter when the 16 yr old wanted a tattoo.  "What makes you think that the tattoo you want on your body today is the tattoo you'll want on your body ten years from now?  Ten years ago, you would have gotten Barney tattoed on your butt."

    The girl actually thought about it, realized her mother was right, and decided not to get the tattoo.  And she wasn't a particularly mature 16 yr old.  Nor was she a straight arrow.  But she was mature enough to realize that her mother was right - an amazing feat for a 16 yr old!

    A 20 yr old girl we know just got a tattoo "as a symbol of my uniqueness and individualty".  So what did she get?  A pine tree on her wrist, along with her summer camp bunkmates, as a sign of solidarity!  And she's a very bright girl!  Just cannot see that there's no difference between that, and a bunch of sailors on shore leave getting anchor tattooes all together!

  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    edited April 2019 #9
    Easter and Passover Blessings

    Blessed holiday weekend to you all.  Much love - we all have survived a threat to our earthly lives, and we have much to be joyful about this weekend.  I'm remembering those precious sisters who have gone on before us, leaving us with their wisdom and warrior spirit.  I'm thinking of those we have yet to welcome to this group.  I'm thinking how thankful I am to have this place, and all of you.  There's something about walking a path together that is a sweet comfort.  

  • Lulu7582
    Lulu7582 Member Posts: 112 Member
    zsazsa1 said:

    I know just how you feel

    I know just how you feel about the tattoo issue.  The one thing you might want to tell/write/email/text her that might change her mind is:  What makes her think that the tattoo she gets on her body now, is the tattoo she'll want on her body 20 years from now?  Twenty years ago, she would have chosen My Pretty Pony!

    I knew someone who tried this on her daughter when the 16 yr old wanted a tattoo.  "What makes you think that the tattoo you want on your body today is the tattoo you'll want on your body ten years from now?  Ten years ago, you would have gotten Barney tattoed on your butt."

    The girl actually thought about it, realized her mother was right, and decided not to get the tattoo.  And she wasn't a particularly mature 16 yr old.  Nor was she a straight arrow.  But she was mature enough to realize that her mother was right - an amazing feat for a 16 yr old!

    A 20 yr old girl we know just got a tattoo "as a symbol of my uniqueness and individualty".  So what did she get?  A pine tree on her wrist, along with her summer camp bunkmates, as a sign of solidarity!  And she's a very bright girl!  Just cannot see that there's no difference between that, and a bunch of sailors on shore leave getting anchor tattooes all together!


    I know what is it with these Millennials and tattoos it just kills me. Don't worry I have done everything, sent articles about the risks of getting a tattoo the rare and the real and what she needed to know, even talked about old wrinkly skin later on in life and what they will look like but that hasn't stopped her. She has two already. She wanted them at 18 and we said no because we were paying tuition for her undergraduate. But once she started working and had her own money off she went. At least they are hidden by her clothes....well except when she is in a bikini and that's when dad saw her first one. I didn't have the heart to tell him so let him find out that way and then she had to explain.....ugh! ugh! But she is a good kid doesn't get into trouble and is a hard worker so I suppose I just have to let it go!! xoxo