Chuck Z
Chuck Z Member Posts: 22

 I just received my copy of CURE MAGAZINE in the mail today(women's cancers special issue 03.19). This issue is dedicated to women's gynecological cancers. And in particular. articles on Ovarian and PPC. One of the articles is titled, Treating Ovarian cancer like a chronic disease. Subscription to CURE MAGAZINE is free to those who have cancer. And to those who are the caregivers. If anybody is interested. You can go to  CURETODAY.COM to get a copy. I've been getting the magazine for seven year now. I first saw the magazine at the infusion center where my wife was being treated for her ovarian cancer the first time. This is the first time that I have seen them dedicate a whole issue to women's gynecological cancers.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited April 2019 #2
    Thank you, Chuck.  Warriors

    Thank you, Chuck.  Warriors never fight alone.  We could never do it without the support of our loved one.