3 month Scan

Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member

My first post operative appointment with my doctor is on Wednesday morning and I just found out they want me to go for a CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis on Monday.  At first I was under the impression that the doc was only doing an ultrasound, but I received this call today.  Of course now I am wondering if there is a reason for the change (possibly my elevated CRP on bloodwork).  All things being equal I prefer the more thorough check as I did not have a pelvic or chest CT before surgery (only a CT of abdomen - kidney protocol and chest x rays).  Hoping for good results but very anxious. I am also wondering if any of you know whether or not they can get a view of the spine with that scan protocol? Its a question I will ask my doc as well as I have been concerned about back pain and for peice of mind would love to know they looked at my spine.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited April 2019 #2
    Three month post surgery CT.s




    Sounds pretty normal to me. Reqesting a visit from Uncle Ned for you. Ask your doctor whether this covers the spine akthough that shouln't be a concern with your pathology.





  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you

    Thank you Iceman!  I hope Uncle Ned come my way next week for sure. Will keep you all posted.

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    Good luck

    Good luck Dominick on the scan. Mine was 6 months. I had a problem the morning of the first one because it was with, without contrast. The Dr didn't do the blood work needed. It was caught at imaging. I had it done but was a little nerve racking waiting as the 2 offices argued on the phone. My 2 year is next month and the anxiety level creeps up making the appointment. The brain can be a cruel taskmaster. We know we will have good results! Sending some calming thoughts thoughts this morning.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member



    lots of people receive chect CTs instead of chest x-rays here. MOst probably they want a good baseline after surgery to compare the future scans with it.

    However, my husband had only ultrasound and chest x-rays right after surgery. So it really differs depending on doc.

    Yes, they do see spine on CT. They always check it, even if there are no complaints, it is just a standard to describe all organs seen on scan.  my husbands report contained description of degenerative changes, etc and stated that no lesions are seen.

    He has terrible back problems too, but it has nothing to do with mets. Back pain is too common even among young guys, so no worries!

    Good luck!

  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    So appreicative of the kind

    So appreicative of the kind and reassuring words!  Trying to stay calm and this site makes me feel so much better! Thank you Alllochka and Retcenturion

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    I think it's great that you

    I think it's great that you have a doctor that is being proactive and thorough!  Good for you.  I know it's scary, but knowledge is power.  With this disease, anything caught early is an advantage.

    These scans DO NOT show the spine adequately.  They might see something on the larger size.  Any doctor who tells you differently doesn't know.  My husband sees a Neurooncologist and he says the only way to adequately see the spine is with an MRI.  My husband gets one every time that he has his  chest, abdomen and pelvis CT.   If you have concerns re your bones, you could ask for a nuclear bone scan.  

    I recommend discussing this with your urologic oncologist.  Perhaps you have no risk.  I believe you are Stage 1 and that's a great place to be.  

    If you are wondering what a bone met feels like, to just put your mind at ease....it feels very, very uncomfortable and painful.  The pain is constant.  Regular pain pills don't help, and changing positions does not relieve it.  It is nothing like a pulled muscle.

    When you go for your tests always ask for copies of your own reports, and when you have the scan they will give you a CD.

    Good luck and best wishes.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Glad to hear you are done with surgery. This sounds like routine and it can't hurt, right? The more they know the better. My good thoughts and prayers are with you!

  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Wondering if anyone who has

    Wondering if anyone who has experience at sloan can tell me how quickly they get their results and whether results go to the app before you see the doc?

  • ferragano2
    ferragano2 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2019 #10

    Wondering if anyone who has

    Wondering if anyone who has experience at sloan can tell me how quickly they get their results and whether results go to the app before you see the doc?


    Doctors get results almost immediately.  Portal gets blood tests later the same day or the next day.  MRI and CT Scans appear on portal approximately 4 business days after the test.  Surgery reports are on the portal also.

  • Positive_Mental_Attitude
    Positive_Mental_Attitude Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2019 #11

    Wondering if anyone who has

    Wondering if anyone who has experience at sloan can tell me how quickly they get their results and whether results go to the app before you see the doc?

    I go for my annual scans a

    I go for my annual scans a week before I go to visit the doctor (now a nurse practitioner) to review the scans.  My results are usually available 2-3 days in the mymsk portal.  I like to take an advance look at my scans so that I can have questions ready (if there are any) before my appointment.

  • Bart1978
    Bart1978 Member Posts: 28 Member
    I understand

    that back pain is really common and I too had concerns. It was interesting and helpful to read a_oaklee's comments about what a bone met feels like. I am learning to live with aches and pains by having the prescribed scans, understanding the pathology reports, communicating with my medical team, (incuding my orthopedic guy), and realizing that the medical community, while not perfect, has great knowledge and experience and would always error on the side of caution.  So, a stage 1 with your features puts you in a good spot relatively speaking.  Hang in there man. Good vibes to you.

  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you all! So very

    Thank you all! So very helpful and so encouraging.  I’m definitely feeling better about things thanks to this community but I’ll be much calmer when this week is behind me.  Will let you all know how it goes!

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    Bart1978 said:

    I understand

    that back pain is really common and I too had concerns. It was interesting and helpful to read a_oaklee's comments about what a bone met feels like. I am learning to live with aches and pains by having the prescribed scans, understanding the pathology reports, communicating with my medical team, (incuding my orthopedic guy), and realizing that the medical community, while not perfect, has great knowledge and experience and would always error on the side of caution.  So, a stage 1 with your features puts you in a good spot relatively speaking.  Hang in there man. Good vibes to you.


    I really appreciate you saying that Bart.  It's been a little difficult for me participating on CSN .  Positivity and reassurance is valuable and comforting.  My husband was diagnosed at stage 4 with a 4 cm tumor.  Location is everything!  He is doing incredibly well.  7 years plus.  Works full time.  On his third targeted therapy with no side effects.  Targeted therapy has been good to him.  I haven't been very active on this site cuz I'm afraid of saying anything that people dont want to hear.  Also, I'm the caregiver spouse and not the patient.  But I really appreciate your comment.  Thankyou.  Best wishes.