
Hey everybody...rainy day here, but a GOOD day. I am healing slowly but surely. Nights and getting comfy in bed are the worse but I'm dealing with it. I am resting and eating what I want. I hit my favorite bakery yesterday and have been inhaling my favorite cookies, lol. Once chemo starts, I'm sure my taste buds will change.Frown I am asking for input on something that has lingered in my mind since reading my paperwork after getting home. The paperwork states that my colon tumor responded to the chemo well and with 19 lymph nodes negative, I guess it did work. My liver tumors were large and both on the right lobe which they removed. The paperwork states that my liver tumors did not respond well to the chemo. Of course I don't want a recurrance and especially not in my liver. Both doctors want me to do mop-up chemo and I am meeting with my oncologist April 1st. My dilema is why would I put chemo that didn't work on my liver the first time back in my system again? I realize the cancer in my liver originated from my colon tumor so you would think the liver would respond to it as well as the colon did but it didn't. To me, it seems I am rolling the dice to do the same mopup chemo that didn't work on my liver to start with even tho' it worked on the colon tumor great. Anybody have any thoughts on this? 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    dear mojo, I think this board

    dear mojo, I think this board is a little quiet sometimes.  I am a visitor from the Uterine board but wanted to visit and say your questions are exactly what you will want to ask the doctors.  Push them for answers and then push them more.  I think that there are different levels of care out there, and without knowing where you are treating, we all need to be our own advocates.  You are in my prayers.

  • nehagill
    nehagill Member Posts: 24
    do something, one at a time

    one thing at  a time. You need to treat these situations happening in your body at once. I dont know which is the primary tumor and which one is the one that is metastasized to other part of the body. treat what can be treated. Just staying there not doing anything wont help to heal your condition in any way.Please start with what can help. Dont be idle. You are in my thoughts.