Eligard Hormone Treatments

Claudio Member Posts: 4

Hello, after prostate surgery i underwent Radiation and hormone treatments. The hormone was Eligard, injected every 6 months for 2 years. my last and final injection was August 1, we are in mid March and i feel still tired, i used to be a fast runner (60 years old) and now i can hardly jog. I would like to know from those that had hormone treatment how long it takes to recover. Obviosly my last testosterone reading was zero and should start to slowly increase back. Im anxiuosly awaiting your comments. 


  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Hard to say

    Hi there,

    You had your last shot at the beginning of August so it would have started to lose effectiveness at the end of January.
    In my opinion less than several months after that is just too soon, I doubt you will see significant effects before the middle of the year and maybe even Christmas, you have a good chance of recovering but it can take up to three years.
    Have a testosterone test in the late summer, if it is starting to tick up you are on the good road!

    Best wishes,
