Post-Op 1 Year PSA Result

lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
edited March 2019 in Prostate Cancer #1

Well, I got the results of my post-op RP 1 year PSA result.  My PSA is undetectable.




The total PSA value from this assay system is

standardized against the WHO standard. The test

result will be approximately 20% lower when compared

to the equimolar-standardized total PSA (Beckman

Coulter). Comparison of serial PSA results should be

interpreted with this fact in mind.


This test was performed using the Siemens

chemiluminescent method. Values obtained from

different assay methods cannot be used

interchangeably. PSA levels, regardless of

value, should not be interpreted as absolute

evidence of the presence or absence of disease


I go to see my surgeon on3/29/2019.  After that, wife and Woody (our dog)  will turn the Nimitz (our camper 41.5 ft 5th wheel) into the wind and go camping. For now, we are OK and we are going to enjoy the moments.  Smile, I am.


  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Slippery stuff PSA

    Congratulations, you can be happy with that.
    As you say PSA results are not always comparable, not always good evidence of disease, etc.
    I have my next test on the 25th and I see Tigger the Quack on the 28th.
    I planted some onions sets, baby onions that grow into big onions, yesterday morning and a couple are showing green points today because they had a little green shoot inside and when they sucked up the water the cells elongated and out popped the shoot, bit like a penile implant really!

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Slippery stuff PSA

    Congratulations, you can be happy with that.
    As you say PSA results are not always comparable, not always good evidence of disease, etc.
    I have my next test on the 25th and I see Tigger the Quack on the 28th.
    I planted some onions sets, baby onions that grow into big onions, yesterday morning and a couple are showing green points today because they had a little green shoot inside and when they sucked up the water the cells elongated and out popped the shoot, bit like a penile implant really!

    Onions and ED

     I am not too sure about your onions and stuff.  Is that an ED remedy?  Maybe that will work. Anyway good luck on your next test.  

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member
    Great news!

    Hopefully many more zero psa tests to come in the future.....

    Dave 3+4

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member

    Onions and ED

     I am not too sure about your onions and stuff.  Is that an ED remedy?  Maybe that will work. Anyway good luck on your next test.  


    Maybe it is a parable to follow on from your tale of the camper van.
    ED is permanent in my case without surgery or injections, both nerve bundles cut so no dice.

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member


    Maybe it is a parable to follow on from your tale of the camper van.
    ED is permanent in my case without surgery or injections, both nerve bundles cut so no dice.

    5th Wheel

    The "camper van" is actually what is called a 5th wheel.  It is the real deal no tale.  Lots of fun.  My ED issue is about 75% recovered.  I have not taken any add-ons for about a month now.  Still, the most important data to me for now is PSA undetecable.  Again, wish the best for you.

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Great news!

    Hopefully many more zero psa tests to come in the future.....

    Dave 3+4


    Thanks.  Getting there slowly but surely.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member


    Thanks.  Getting there slowly but surely.

    Five Stars

    Bravo, lighter.   

    I have my 4-year PSA draw in about two weeks (after a year or so, the doc dropped the requirement for me to just once annually).

    As I have written here a few times, some confusion in the industry between lab standards does exist, as you described above.  But most labs, when they give a numeric result, virtually never show all zeros out past two decimal places or more; mine has never been all zeros.  But it has always been clinically "Undetectable," and indicates no evidence of disease ("N.E.D.").    I say this because I have read posts from guys who got a post RP results that showed numbers two or three places to the right of the decimal.   This is OK, and can be read as simply all zeroes if they wish.



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    A successful story

    Zeros are what we all want after an intervention to treat PCa. You got it and you are to be congratulated.

    I hope that your next post is to inform about another Zero.



  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks folks

    Thanks folks.  Always a great feeling to get positive reinforcement from people who are fighting a common enemy.  As I said, I go and see my surgeon on March 29, 2019.  They always tell me I will be seeing a NP, but when I get to the center, he always shows up to talk with me.  Oh well, will just have to wait and see what he says.  As usual, I will let this forum know.  Again, thanks for the support.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    Thanks folks

    Thanks folks.  Always a great feeling to get positive reinforcement from people who are fighting a common enemy.  As I said, I go and see my surgeon on March 29, 2019.  They always tell me I will be seeing a NP, but when I get to the center, he always shows up to talk with me.  Oh well, will just have to wait and see what he says.  As usual, I will let this forum know.  Again, thanks for the support.

    Doc popping in....


    The surgeon just wanted to pop in and see the guy who paid for repainting his antique Ferrari.....

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member

    Hi there,

    My post prostatectomy zeros were reported as;

    < 0.03 µg/L Cobas Roche  electrochemiluminescence ECLIA sandwich ( serum, plasma )
    and now
    <0.05 µg/L Architect Abbott chemiluminescence CMIA (serum)

    These are both zeros, as they are reporting the lower limit that the technique is capable of detecting, they changed the machine from a Cobas Roche to an Architect Abbott which has a slightly higher lower limit.
    Another not quite zero zero in a couple of weeks, I hope.

    Best wishes,


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Doc popping in....


    The surgeon just wanted to pop in and see the guy who paid for repainting his antique Ferrari.....

    More than

    More than likely or that trip he just took to China.

  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member

    5th Wheel

    The "camper van" is actually what is called a 5th wheel.  It is the real deal no tale.  Lots of fun.  My ED issue is about 75% recovered.  I have not taken any add-ons for about a month now.  Still, the most important data to me for now is PSA undetecable.  Again, wish the best for you.

    ED recovery


    You are one lucky guy when it comes to ED recovery after RP, especially at your age.

    Wish you many more “undetectables” in the future.


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    MK1965 said:

    ED recovery


    You are one lucky guy when it comes to ED recovery after RP, especially at your age.

    Wish you many more “undetectables” in the future.


    Means a lot

    Thanks MK.  Means a lot coming from you.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    More than

    More than likely or that trip he just took to China.


    Thought I would piggyback on lighterwood and Georges' earlier good news, rather than starting a new thread for a brief message; plus, it is on the exact same subject:

    I went for my annual post-DaVinci PSA check and meeting at my urologist's office today.  I am now just over four years post-surgery.

    The results were, again, thankfully "Undetectable."  I asked the lab tech what their definition is, and she said their equipment for the Urology Group (about a dozen doctors) defines "Undetectable" as anything below 00.04   She said that the hospital that they are a part of has an Ultrasensitive machine, but it is only used when the doctors see the need to request it.  I have no idea what that "need" would be.

    I also asked how many years my surgeon does these annual visits, and she said next year, the fifth year, would be my last.  They recommend after the five years that men just get their family physician to do a PSA annually.

    I am thankful...


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member


    Thought I would piggyback on lighterwood and Georges' earlier good news, rather than starting a new thread for a brief message; plus, it is on the exact same subject:

    I went for my annual post-DaVinci PSA check and meeting at my urologist's office today.  I am now just over four years post-surgery.

    The results were, again, thankfully "Undetectable."  I asked the lab tech what their definition is, and she said their equipment for the Urology Group (about a dozen doctors) defines "Undetectable" as anything below 00.04   She said that the hospital that they are a part of has an Ultrasensitive machine, but it is only used when the doctors see the need to request it.  I have no idea what that "need" would be.

    I also asked how many years my surgeon does these annual visits, and she said next year, the fifth year, would be my last.  They recommend after the five years that men just get their family physician to do a PSA annually.

    I am thankful...


    Another homerun

    Congratulations.  "Undetectable" is always good news when it comes to PC.

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    1 Year Check-up/Survivorship Program

    Well, did not see my surgeon yesterday, but I saw 2 nurses and a PA, all young people, all women.  Of course most people are younger than me now.  Very professional crew.  One of the nurses has been with my case since day one.  Always good to see a familiar face.  I will have to get my PSA tested every six months now for 2 more years.  Then they will hand off to my GP, if still undetectable.  You never know what cards you will be dealt in this life of flesh; so, do the best you can with that hand;  take care of your soul and God will take care of the rest.  I told them I have pretty much quit taking Sildenafil and the Cialis, no need to refill at this time.  I am fully continent, but since taking up Partner Yoga with my wife for the last month or so I have to be careful.  So you folks have a great day.  Smile, I am.