I need help- freaking out

swopoe Member Posts: 492

I am sorry and I know I should calm down, but I really can’t. My husband was diagnosed with stage 1 HPV- tongue cancer in October 2015. He had surgery, chemo and rads. Was given the all clear in February 2016. Has been given the all clear (head and chest CTs) since then. He recovered amazingly well and his next appt is scheduled for September 2019.

This week he has had a sore spot on the right side of his mouth that has been bothering him and a tingling on the right side of his face. He has been clearing his throat a lot (which has done ever since treatment) but this morning he said he noticed a blood tinge in the phlegm. He called the doc and is being fit in for an appt at 2:30 today.

This cannot be happening again. I know it isn’t cancer until they say it is, but my husband is convinced it is back. I feel so upset.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    You Are Doing All You Can Do

    You and your husband were aware of his past treatment and conditions and his tests and scans were all good. You folks saw something that did not seem quite right as per the sore spot on the right side of his mouth, tingling on right side of his face and somewhat excess phlegm. You monitored these things for a period of time and when you had given them some time to resolve and they didn't you called the doc and they fit you right in. You can't do more than that or be more proactive than that and his doctor seems very responsive. I have had many little things go on and I wait them out a bit also but occasionally had to go to the docs and they have no problem with it. Any of my cancer team or my frontline ENT doc will tell you if there is any problems or questions err on the side of safety, come in and see us, it is better to be over cautious in our case. Yes, it may be cancer again or it may not. Like you said and we always say on here "it isn’t cancer until they say it is". The good thing no matter what you are on top of it and getting it checked pronto and if it just might be something you are finding it as early as possible. So calm down, pray a bit, try and keep it out of your mind as best you can, you can't change what is but you are right on it and I'm praying no C. I don't know if this helps but I am trying to. Take care-God Bless-Prayers your way.

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    Glad you could get in right away

    Swopoe - So glad you and husband could get in to doc right away...Russ is right...if the news is not good, you'll be on this right away.  I find it dreadful to wait.  My husband had second post treatment CT yesterday, and now we must wait.  Thinking of you now and all afternoon.  

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Thanks, friends. My husband

    Thanks, friends. My husband is at work today because the office is close to his work. But I am home trying to keep busy and not throw up.    My husband’s doctor is the best in Houston, and we love him. I am so thankful he is seeing my husband today. I will keep you posted.

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Update: Went to the doc. He

    Update: Went to the doc. He doesn’t think it is cancer, but he removed the entire spot (less than 1mm) for a biopsy just in case. Doc said he has been surprised by results before but he doesn’t think he will be. Also going to get a scan in the next week (Wed or Thurs) to be safe. Said the rest of the mouth looks great and that my husband’s neck scars look great too. Now we wait. But the doc said he was not worried, and better to be safe than sorry.


    I am still nervous of course but so glad the spot is gone and we will know soon.

  • accordiongirl
    accordiongirl Member Posts: 63
    swopoe said:

    Update: Went to the doc. He

    Update: Went to the doc. He doesn’t think it is cancer, but he removed the entire spot (less than 1mm) for a biopsy just in case. Doc said he has been surprised by results before but he doesn’t think he will be. Also going to get a scan in the next week (Wed or Thurs) to be safe. Said the rest of the mouth looks great and that my husband’s neck scars look great too. Now we wait. But the doc said he was not worried, and better to be safe than sorry.


    I am still nervous of course but so glad the spot is gone and we will know soon.

    So glad!

    So glad you got in so quickly and that your husband's doctor took immediate action.   i love when doctor's listen to their patient's concerns instead of blow them off.  We'll keep our fingers crossed with you that the doctor's experience and best guess is right and that this is nothing to be concerned about - i'm guessing you have SOME relief at that. 

    Thanks for letting us know.  Please keep us updated.  i DO hope you feel better - glad you shared with us.

    ~ accordiongirl

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Tuesday morning update: Doc

    Tuesday morning update: Doc just called and the biopsy was negative for cancer!!! It was just inflammation. Thank goodness. My husband will still go for his CT on Thursday just to be sure, but we are very thankful over here today. Thank you for talking me down over the past few days. I forgot how scary the waiting can be.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Wonderful News

    Things are good-God Bless

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    edited March 2019 #9
    Excellent news...

    Way to jump on it!

  • accordiongirl
    accordiongirl Member Posts: 63
    swopoe said:

    Tuesday morning update: Doc

    Tuesday morning update: Doc just called and the biopsy was negative for cancer!!! It was just inflammation. Thank goodness. My husband will still go for his CT on Thursday just to be sure, but we are very thankful over here today. Thank you for talking me down over the past few days. I forgot how scary the waiting can be.

    FABULOUS News!!!

    Thank you so much for the update!  And wow......i bet about a ton of weight fell off your shoulders after that call, eh?!!  So glad you guys got such good news!!!

    ~ accordiongirl

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Thanks everyone- you are all

    Thanks everyone- you are all so supportive. Got the CT results back today- head and chest- both clear. So 3.5 years and still counting. :)

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    The Best News


    CT Scan Head/Chest=Clear

    The Results are in and it's NED.

    We are Thankful for you-God Bless