Hi hopefully your all doing OK Smile

 I recently had a major Pancreatitis attack,, They were dumbfounded of the cause and assume its the cancer that is all throughout my abdomen.,, Now Im on a no fat diet between that and the 35mg of pain meds I take.. I was told before the cancer feeds off your food intake,, so Im getting much worse as for energy.. Do any of you take anything to boost energy level..

Thank You !!!! Greg


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    my oncologist said to simple

    my oncologist said to simple drink, drink, drink water and eat well. I hope you are feeling well soon. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sorry to hear of your attack and the pain you are going through.  I'm not able to help you with any diet to help you but hope that your pain gets better.  Hoping that others can chime in to give you some advice if they have gone through the same thing as you but I've never been through it.   Maybe a second opinion could be an option as well.


  • KarenMG
    KarenMG Member Posts: 109
    Hi Greg

    Sorry to hear about that pancreatitis attack, I know that was painful. My son had those for a while and he suffered. I don't know what to tell you to improve your energy level, I'm struggling with that myself right now related to a liver treatment I had.

    If I might ask, what pain med are you on? I'm taking oxycodone and would like to try something different.

    Sorry, I don't have any new ideas for you, but if I learn of anything I would be happy to let you know.

    Best wishes to you,


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,288 Member
    Outside of drinking coffee

    Outside of drinking coffee and tea, I don't really know of a way to boost energy. Some may get there through herbs and supplements, but I'd be cautious about throwing something else into the mix. Can you eat more of the low fat foods, protein is a big energy source for bodies. Hope you find what you need.................................Dave 

  • greg98466
    greg98466 Member Posts: 21
    Thank You !!!

    Yes I try to get plenty of Protein and drinking water I have noticed less output on the fluids but drink the same as before, I always did drink a lot of water and filled up my two water jugs yesterday 12 gallons I obviously need to bump the amount up.. 

    Karen yes Im using the oxycodone  I hate the stuff  and did try Moriphine long acting it made me groggy but might try it again..

  • greg98466
    greg98466 Member Posts: 21
    Kazenmax said:

    my oncologist said to simple

    my oncologist said to simple drink, drink, drink water and eat well. I hope you are feeling well soon. 


    Thanks Kazenmax


    I bumped up the water intake it made a BIG differance, not sure whats dehydrating me... Thank you K !!!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I have a lot of issues with

    I have a lot of issues with dehydration due to short bowel syndrome. Here's wht I've learned. If you drink too much water when you're dehydrated it will flush out the compounds needed to keep you hydrated so it actually doesn't help. I know, weird. I have to drink sports drinks so that I can keep my sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels up. I also have to add salt to whatever I can. Juice, coffee (which is a diuretic and should be avoided), tea, some other things. I can't tell it's there but if I don't keep this up I get very weak and sick. Nausea is a problem, too, with it.

    Electrolites are important as well. It's hard to make sure I get it right every day and some days I just want to eat or drink something and not worry about it but I'll pay for ot if I don't.

    Note- I have typically low blood pressure so the additional salt/sodium is fine for me, but may not be for everyone. Maybe look up the diet for short bowel syndrome. Not that you have it but it's for people who don't absorb enough liquid on their own. I also take codeine when it's really bad as it slows down the digestive system. But I have an illeostomy so I'm not concerned with things like constipation or things like that.

    Good luck and take care,


  • greg98466
    greg98466 Member Posts: 21
    JanJan63 said:

    I have a lot of issues with

    I have a lot of issues with dehydration due to short bowel syndrome. Here's wht I've learned. If you drink too much water when you're dehydrated it will flush out the compounds needed to keep you hydrated so it actually doesn't help. I know, weird. I have to drink sports drinks so that I can keep my sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels up. I also have to add salt to whatever I can. Juice, coffee (which is a diuretic and should be avoided), tea, some other things. I can't tell it's there but if I don't keep this up I get very weak and sick. Nausea is a problem, too, with it.

    Electrolites are important as well. It's hard to make sure I get it right every day and some days I just want to eat or drink something and not worry about it but I'll pay for ot if I don't.

    Note- I have typically low blood pressure so the additional salt/sodium is fine for me, but may not be for everyone. Maybe look up the diet for short bowel syndrome. Not that you have it but it's for people who don't absorb enough liquid on their own. I also take codeine when it's really bad as it slows down the digestive system. But I have an illeostomy so I'm not concerned with things like constipation or things like that.

    Good luck and take care,


    Thanks Jan

    Good info, sound like your life is very tricky !! Ive been through the ringer also its a long story.. But this cancer I have is not acting as highly aggresive as the Dr said it would be he gave me 6 months, that was 19 months ago. I  should have never started talking pain meds but the couple times I was hospitalized I was in big time pain, and afterward for three weeks on one trip in. The pain comes and goes so its a delema.. 

    Wishing you the best Jan !!!!!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    greg98466 said:

    Thanks Jan

    Good info, sound like your life is very tricky !! Ive been through the ringer also its a long story.. But this cancer I have is not acting as highly aggresive as the Dr said it would be he gave me 6 months, that was 19 months ago. I  should have never started talking pain meds but the couple times I was hospitalized I was in big time pain, and afterward for three weeks on one trip in. The pain comes and goes so its a delema.. 

    Wishing you the best Jan !!!!!


    That's wonderful news Greg! I love to hear about someone beating the odds! It gives us all hope. I have a feeling that within the next year or two they'll find a cure for this. If we can all live long enough we can get the treatment. Just a feeling. Hopefully next year I'll be proven correct. Unfortunately, Canada takes much longer to approve new drugs and treatments so it would be a while for us no matter when they finally come up with something.


  • greg98466
    greg98466 Member Posts: 21
    JanJan63 said:


    That's wonderful news Greg! I love to hear about someone beating the odds! It gives us all hope. I have a feeling that within the next year or two they'll find a cure for this. If we can all live long enough we can get the treatment. Just a feeling. Hopefully next year I'll be proven correct. Unfortunately, Canada takes much longer to approve new drugs and treatments so it would be a while for us no matter when they finally come up with something.



    Hopefully your right on a cure, I just wonder if we would have a cure by now, or is the profit for finding one not being spent. My oncologest says the Hep-C cure is the best he has ever dreamed of seeing..