Seeking advice

James0567 Member Posts: 17 Member

 I am new to this forum. I have been reading quite a number of discussions on this forum and found them very informative and helpful. I am a not so old guy (61 years old) with pretty good health generally. However, last Dec, I was found to have a small renal tumor in my left kidney (about 1.6 cm) which was highly likely to be RCC. After some further imaging, I went through an open partial nephrectomy at end Jan this year. The surgery was successful. The path report shows that the tumor was stage T1a RCC clear cell grade 3. No spread. All negative margins. What I am concerned is about the grade 3. I wonder why such a small tumor could be grade 3. I will have a post-op follow-up visit with the urological surgeon and wonder what I need to discuss with him. Also I will be travelling by air back to my southeast hometown from NYC (about 2-hr flight) in a week (about 3.5 weeks after the surgery), I wonder if that should be OK. My incision looks healed, but there is still some pain inside.

 Thanks for your advice.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member


    I was nephed almost 17 years after just turning 59. Mine was laproscopic. I travelled cross country by air at 6 weeks. I don't feel I was ready at 3 and 1/2 weeks. It may be helpful if you were to have someone travel with you. Discus the grade 3 with your surgeon. Even if the Uro gives you clearance to travel, it is your decision and if it doesn't feel right put it off for a few more weeks.





  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Hi James

    oh dear 

    annoying when you expect everything to follow what you thought was going to happen to be then given a curveball

    grade 3 Is what buried in your head

    problem with the furham grade is even they find 90% grade 2 and 10% grade 3   You are classed as grade 3

    ask for the details on the slices they examined 

    not what you want to hear but  it is all gone gone gone gone


    Re the flight   

    It would be doable but no lifting and no standing   

    Like iceman personally I would not do it but it would be doable

    the pain will be there for a little bit longer 

    will you have help


    Ignore Eug (sorry )on the stage and grade. 

    You are entirely correct   it is Eug who is getting confused 





  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Hi James

    oh dear 

    annoying when you expect everything to follow what you thought was going to happen to be then given a curveball

    grade 3 Is what buried in your head

    problem with the furham grade is even they find 90% grade 2 and 10% grade 3   You are classed as grade 3

    ask for the details on the slices they examined 

    not what you want to hear but  it is all gone gone gone gone


    Re the flight   

    It would be doable but no lifting and no standing   

    Like iceman personally I would not do it but it would be doable

    the pain will be there for a little bit longer 

    will you have help


    Ignore Eug (sorry )on the stage and grade. 

    You are entirely correct   it is Eug who is getting confused 





    I get confused all the time :)

    But what part did I get wrong? Because it sounds like James has stage 1, grade 3? 

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    eug91 said:

    I get confused all the time :)

    But what part did I get wrong? Because it sounds like James has stage 1, grade 3? 

    It’s fine..

    james  does have stage one and grade 3

    That’s what he said he had

    he knows he is s1/g3

    then you told him he was wrong.. and getting confused between stage and a grade and that he was stage one grade three



    You are very very helpful with your knowledge and descriptions so please don’t stop

    its Great you are here helping the new and the scared

    i just had to make sure James does not think he is going mad




  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    It’s fine..

    james  does have stage one and grade 3

    That’s what he said he had

    he knows he is s1/g3

    then you told him he was wrong.. and getting confused between stage and a grade and that he was stage one grade three



    You are very very helpful with your knowledge and descriptions so please don’t stop

    its Great you are here helping the new and the scared

    i just had to make sure James does not think he is going mad





    I misread his question and thought he was confusing grade & stage. Now I get it. It takes a while, but eventually I get it. :)

    Thanks, Annie! 

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Hi James- welcome to the board. Sorry you had to join us, but this is a great forum and a great community. 

    [EDIT: Removed my answer. Misunderstood question.]

  • James0567
    James0567 Member Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for very helpful info/advice

    Thank you so much icemantoo, eug and annie, etc. for your info/advice. They are all very helpful and supportive. I will take special precausion about my travel - no lifting, no long standing. Most likely ask for a wheelchair serevice to avoid long walking. Also I will discuss with my doctor in the post-op follow-up about more details of grade 3 path repeort. I am new and still feel scared and much worried. But with help and support from this wonderful group, i will be getting there - be serene towards the things that we cannot change and be brave to take action for the things that we can change. Thanks again all !!

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hi James

    I'll add my two cents.   I am also T1 but T1b, "b" rather than "a" because the tumor was slightly over 4 cm.  I'm also a bit freaked by being labled Grade 3, but my surgeon and this site:

    say that stage is more critical than grade.  I hold onto that when my anxiety creeps or jumps upward.  

    I flew home at 6 weeks - a longer flight - but we made sure all assistance possible was in place, including wheelchair.  Get up when and if you can and walk a bit on the plane.  Recline if it's comfortable.  You know if you are ready or not, probably.  Take care -


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Hi James. Annie is right. As

    Hi James. Annie is right. As soon as they find some grade 3 cells you're classified grade 3. I'm the same. Had stage 1a but grade 3 RCC, also removed with open partial. My doc said it was grade 3 but most cells were grade 2. I too was/am concerned and had 6 month follow ups for the first 2.5 years. Now I go yearly. As for travel, I'm not sure I'd have wanted to do it but unless I misunderstood, you don't really have much of a choice if you need to go home. Maybe you can do another week in NY if not up to it? All the best!

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    The worst is behind

    Try not to dwell on the Staging its a moment in time that is now recorded. It  probably won't change from the initial reading. Its your baseline. At 4 weeks of a full Neph I'm pretty sure I would do what I could to get to my home. Home just seems better. Good luck on the travel and keep us posted

  • James0567
    James0567 Member Posts: 17 Member
    Looking forward

    It's true that the worst is behind. Thanks - Centurion and APny for your kind/encouraging words and helpful information. I am ready to go home!

  • James0567
    James0567 Member Posts: 17 Member
    Travel after partial nephrectomy

    I have landed safely in my hometown after 2 hours of air travel from NYC. Following the instructions, I tried to move around as much as I can for my legs and sipped water frequently during the flight to avoid possible blood clotting. I am home now and thanks for all the advice and information from this group.

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    Good news!!

    Good to hear the trip went well. The healing is still on going. Home seems to make everything better. Good luck, keep us posted, and maybe you can help the next newest member with your experience!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Glad you're home! Now focus

    Glad you're home! Now focus on full recovery. All the best to you.

  • James0567
    James0567 Member Posts: 17 Member
    Travel home

    Thank you all for your kindness and support!

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    Good Work

    Now you are safely home, give yourself the chance to fully recover - don't push it and let time do its thing.

    Best Wishes, Fred