Introduction and help

Hi all,


I have been lurking on the forum for the last two years, when my dad (57) was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, stage four. He´s been Folfox and Avastin and then Folfiri and Avastin, but the last scan showed it is not working anymore. He has lung meets, which are stable, and liver mets - around 12, the biggest around 24 mm, which grew bigger from the last scan. He´s been offered Lonsurf or Straviga now. Before Christmas he had epilepsy due to brain lesion. They dont know if it was malignant or not and it was taken care of by Gama knife and hopefully it will it.


I´ve decided to ask for second opinion and would like to know, if ablation or chemoembolisazion is possible at this stage? We did not ask before because the hospital, where my dad is treated does not have this possibility and the doctors said at the beginning that he is inoperable and thats it. But now I know there are other options than surgery and hopefully some will apply.


Also, I would like to know if I should ask the second opinion of the oncologist or the radiologist as I have read they may be more open to act.


My dad is feeling relatively fine and is able to do most of things. It is incomprehensible to me that there may be no options left.


Thank you all.


  • Christy76
    Christy76 Member Posts: 32 Member
    I'm sorry about your father

    I am new to all of this so I can not give any medical advice other than I'm sure a second opionion couldn't hurt anything. I'm sorry your father is so sick. Spend time with him whenever you can and show him how much you love him is the only advice I have. You are also welcome to talk on these boards whenever you need to. I've been talking on here for a few days now and people are very kind and helpful. I wish you the best in your time of need. Reach out here when you can and to people if your life if and when you can. Please do not isolate yourself.



  • Diane_K
    Diane_K Member Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, your dad should ask for

    Yes, your dad should ask for a second opinion.  I would suggest going to a different oncologist for the second opinion. Some patients are reluctant to go outside of their doctor's office to get a second opinion because they feel their oncologist may take offense, but almost all doctors understand that second opinions are reasonable requests.  I went to another cancer center and got a second opinion, and after the appointment the two doctors had phone conversations about my case and compared their plans for me.  I then had to consider both of their opinions and make a decision.