Julie Yip-Williams book is out

Butt Member Posts: 352 Member

It got published. It is about a woman who had been fighting stage 4 cancer. Amazon has it. Mine arrived today. Butt.,


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I hope it inspires or gives

    I hope it inspires or gives you some comfort, the right books can certainly do that. I asked for books on meaning, some years back, and read a number of inspiring stories, buying a stack of them all at once. I just finished the last one, a dense, analytical book called "the Hero With a Thousand Faces". I was looking for existential viewpoints, and wound up deep in Comparative Mythology, which really wore me out. I believe in finishing what I start, but I'll choose more carefully after this one, lol...............................................Dave

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I hope it inspires or gives

    I hope it inspires or gives you some comfort, the right books can certainly do that. I asked for books on meaning, some years back, and read a number of inspiring stories, buying a stack of them all at once. I just finished the last one, a dense, analytical book called "the Hero With a Thousand Faces". I was looking for existential viewpoints, and wound up deep in Comparative Mythology, which really wore me out. I believe in finishing what I start, but I'll choose more carefully after this one, lol...............................................Dave

    I learned that the hard way, Dave

    I joined a book club, and had to read books that were a complete waste of my time and energy. I quit after about three meetings, once I had made everyone read MY book - I wanted to have them read 'The Emperor of All Maladies' but that would have been cruel.  I think they were happy to see me go. 

    We all have different reading likes and dislikes. I LOVE reading the book reviews on Amazon. They are varied, and I can get a feel for a book - though I have still pruchased some that have turned out to not be 'my kind'. 

    Tru            -  Let me add that I know many, many people who LOVE LOVE LOVE their book clubs. My best friend in Oregon being one of them. She has been in a book club since 2011.   Its just not for me, personally. 

  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member

    for the heads up on her book release.   I have read her blog.  She was raw and very reaL, and very very brave. 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Trubrit said:

    I learned that the hard way, Dave

    I joined a book club, and had to read books that were a complete waste of my time and energy. I quit after about three meetings, once I had made everyone read MY book - I wanted to have them read 'The Emperor of All Maladies' but that would have been cruel.  I think they were happy to see me go. 

    We all have different reading likes and dislikes. I LOVE reading the book reviews on Amazon. They are varied, and I can get a feel for a book - though I have still pruchased some that have turned out to not be 'my kind'. 

    Tru            -  Let me add that I know many, many people who LOVE LOVE LOVE their book clubs. My best friend in Oregon being one of them. She has been in a book club since 2011.   Its just not for me, personally. 

    "Emperor of All Maladies" was

    "Emperor of All Maladies" was a PBS mini-series that I found fascinating, so I don't have to read that one [how much better can the book be, lol] but I'm all about non-fiction and modern philosophy these days, so if you come across a great book of that nature, let me know..............................................Dave

  • Twinzma
    Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member
    I'll check it out

    Thanks for posting it! I was in the lab getting my annual blood work and starting chatting with a woman who's husband just over came a dire illness. As we were talking she started in on her life story and how she is was a nurse. She worked in every department in the hospital and then became a hospice nurse. She ended up writing a book, From The Womb To The Tomb (by, Aida Sambat-Bilog). While it certainly sounds to be a good read, given the circumstances I do not think I can do it just yet. However one of the stories she did share with me was how she was the Hospice Nurse for Billy Joel's former high school principal...He had told Billy who had been goofing off and of course working gigs at bars he would not get his HS diploma unless he went to summer school. He started the program and two weeks in was offered his first record deal with Columbia Records. The principal said he didn't care and still was not going to give him his diploma. He went on to tell Billy that the record deal would never amount to anything and he would fail. Well we all know how that went! Years later Billy Joel was being given a diploma after writing the school board giving them essays and he asked that his old principal give it to him in the ceremony. The man declined his request! Years later as he lie in hospice care he told Aida the story and said he then regretted that he never apologized to Billy for his actions. He soon passed and Aida was able to get into contact with Billy Joel as she promised, to give him the message that he had left for him. Can you imagine that? The man was holding on because of a regret over Billy Joel? Wow I would think family, friends but no his former student was what this man had holding over his head. 

    I plan to buy the book one day, just not right now. I think I need more inspirational books, so I will definatley check out this one you recommended!