Been a while..

Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

Sorry to see so much lost content! I know it's been a while since I posted...

Last scans show 3 spots in my lungs. Two in right, one in left. Onc scheduled repeat scans and one "spot" resolved itself??

They, however,  want to biopsy the one in the left lung. I have been spending a lot of my time on smart patients but I would really like to see if anyone has any thoughts on this.

I had an ablation on my remaining kidney last June that was benign and just fibrous tissue.

Suspicious spot in breast...fibrous tissue as well.

Kinda scared it might be another primary cancer??


Anyway I hope you are all well.




  • Hd67xlch
    Hd67xlch Member Posts: 151 Member
    Lung biopsy is piece of cake............

    dont sweat that nothing to it. Have they doubled since they were 1st noticed? How big are they? My 1st thought is to always get them cut out if they are sure its cancer, thats the approach Ive always taken and its gotten me several years of ned, but it always seems to come back eventually once its metastisized somewhere. If its doable via surgery its your best chance of a so called cure for awhile anyway, JMO. Good luck.

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    edited February 2019 #3

    I don't have any insight into your lung spots, but yikes - it sounds like you've already been put through an emotional ringer with both scares turning out to be fibrous. Understandable why you'd be scared, but I'll be crossing my fingers and saying prayers for you that you'll be okay. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh dear Cinnamon girl, WE are

    Oh dear Cinnamon girl, WE are here for you!

    Just keep bumping up this post and eventually others with more knowledge will respond.

    Now in the meantime, I am here for you and will walk along side you. The unknown can be scary

    but please do not fret and worry about things you cannot change. 

    I like to say the Serenity prayer until I feel at peace:

    (God) Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,

    the COURAGE to change the things I can and the

    WISDOM to know the difference.

    Sending you calm, healing vibes, 

    Hugs, Jan

  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    I can't answer your question,

    I can't answer your question, but sure do want to send up all the best for you for a good outcome. Hang tough. That's all we can do during these trying times.

    Keep us posted on what you find out, please!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    Here we go

    Biopsy scheduled for Valentines day 7am! They are going to attempt a biopsy on the 9mm spot in the right lung. Fingers crossed.

    Thank you for all of your encouragement I'll keep you posted!


  • Hoss79
    Hoss79 Member Posts: 78 Member
    Praying it’s nothing.
    Praying it’s nothing.
  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Cinn

    Sorry, no similar experience to give you any information, but I am so glad to see you on here.  As eug91 says, you really have been through the wringer, both physically and emotionally - prayers as you walk through the latest.  Any appointments set yet?

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Cinn, I was going to look

    Hi Cinn, I was going to look back through old posts to find out if you originally had 3 spots but then remembered that isn't possible.  Is that the same as before? 

    Also, the fact that one "resolved" itself makes me feel much better about the other ones.  Sorry that your roller coaster ride is still going, you need to get off that darn thing already!!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    sandy23 said:

    Hi Cinn, I was going to look

    Hi Cinn, I was going to look back through old posts to find out if you originally had 3 spots but then remembered that isn't possible.  Is that the same as before? 

    Also, the fact that one "resolved" itself makes me feel much better about the other ones.  Sorry that your roller coaster ride is still going, you need to get off that darn thing already!!

    The "spots" are new. I have

    The "spots" are new. I have an appt today with Radiation oncology in case it comes back positive for RCC. Fingers crossed everything goes smooth on Valentine's day!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    Well results are in. Biopsy

    Well results are in. Biopsy positive for RCC in lungs. Very sad day. The hits just keep coming. 


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Aww ok a scary day. Give your

    Aww ok a scary day. Give your reactions a day to sink in then do exactly what you are doing now. 

    ASK for what you need, support, information etc. We'll be here along side you ALL THE WAY!

    Many folks here and on have had lung mets and are surviving, are beating this!

    Keep me (us) informed if you want ok hon?

    Sending you CALM, HOPE and SUPPORT!


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    dang it

    I'm sorry, Cinn. That sucks. Please take care of yourself tonight. Maybe treat yourself to something fun.

    But then after a good night's sleep, get yourself ready for war. You already kicked that RCC's butt before, you'll do it again. We're with you. 

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Hi Cin

    oh dear. that’s tough to take 

    cry and cry

    then we fight

    a day at a time

    stay strong 


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    Very sorry to hear ... Did

    Very sorry to hear ... Did you discuss the plan already ? Is it possible to cut them out?

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    The plan is to stay off of systemic treatment as long as possible. With that being said the plan is to do SRBT  they placed a marker when they did the biopsy.

    I'm having a VERY tough time with this! For the first time since this all started I feel scared....very scared. I am not someone who sits and cries but I can't seem to stop.

    If the SRBT works I will be NED again which should give me encouragement  but I am really struggling.

    I truly hope you all are well and healthy.



  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    Believe in your plan

    Sorry for the news. Believe in the plan. We are all sending our best.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited February 2019 #18
    I am so sorry, Cin. It really

    I am so sorry, Cin. It really sucks. I totally get having a tough time digesting this. Hopefully the treatment will return you to NED status. keeping you in my thoughts xo

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    No adequate words

    So sorry to hear this Cin.  Hugs from afar.  Take care -

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey sweetie, it is perfectly

    Hey sweetie, it is perfectly okay, all right to cry and cry and cry. It lets out the pain. Think about it, you cannot put a tear back, right?

    That is your human side and its natural. I totally dislike when others say, Be strong when you are feelling like crap, eh?

    We'll be here for you. You can write me via email her any time ok hon?

    At least you know there is a plan. Who are your support people, if you care to share?

    Sending you CALM, HOPE and healing hugs,


  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hey Cin

    Tears sound really normal and appropriate today, as is the fear.  We're with you as you put one foot in front of the other and keep moving, and, as Retcenturion says, beliving in the plan - and in everything, everybody else you believe in.  Take care -