Rob Lee

JayAur Member Posts: 33 Member

Rob, well known on this Board, is undergoing a procedure today.

Keep him in your thoughts!

Let him know it.




  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    What is it?

    I wonder if the procedure you’re referring about is the “… mass in the small bowel …” that should be removed to be analyzed by a pathologist. Is it something else? Can you please be more specific?

    What ever it may be, surely he is in my thoughts. Hopefuly he manages to over come the matter. 




  • Banff
    Banff Member Posts: 10 Member
    Rob Lee

    Rob hasn't been online since the day of his procedure. Has anyone heard from him or know how he's doing? He was very helpful and encouraging to me and to many on this board, and I can't help but worry.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    He reported to be OK

    He has posted here several times after the procedure. Unfortunately those entries were wipped out. You may try mailing him a note via CSN.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member

    He reported to be OK

    He has posted here several times after the procedure. Unfortunately those entries were wipped out. You may try mailing him a note via CSN.

    I recall

    I also recall Rob's post-surgery report, which was fortunately negative for the other cancer that they were checking for; I believe it was colon-related. I hope we hear again from Rob soon.  A PM (Private Message) to Rob will likely send him an email, telling him to check in, if you wish to PM him.


  • RobLee
    RobLee Member Posts: 269 Member
    Rob Lee is alive and well

    Thanks for thinking of me, and thanks to Jay for giving everyone the heads up. And thanks to Banff for checking in again (this is the only place our paths ever cross).

    Yes, I had posted after the procedure that it was a non-malignant mass "suggestive of sclerosing mesenteritis" is what the path report stated.  There's not much info online about this condition, and most of it is the same reports citing each other.  I did find a small group on Facebook with fewer than 500 members who have this condition.  Of that number, only two others had surgery.  So I still don't feel much at home there.

    In the meantime, a good friend here in the CSN chatroom had passed away. I was afraid it might be too uncomfortable so never came back to CSN until just recently and discovered the outage.  So even my blog entry about the surgery was gone.  I do have a backup when I can look for it.

    The surgery itself went well.  I lost about 70cm of small intestine and enough blood that I have been amemic and am now taking iron. Also I had constant diarrhea for the first month which now only shows up 2-3 days a week.  The surgical scar is big and ugly but there is very little pain. Overall good results.

    I have not been active much lately in this or any other prostate forum.  I had my PSA and testosterone check last month.  PSA is still <.01 and T is 11 and has not yet started to recover, though it has been a full year since my last injection. Uro says it may take 12-18 months and will likely never return to pre-Lupron level.  Thanks again for your thoughts everyone!

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member
    I've been getting a bumper

    I've been getting a bumper pack of bad news on my other forum so really glad to hear you got through this.

    Have a stupidly umbrella'd 90 proof cocktail on me to celebrate.
