gumdrop Member Posts: 5

There are many articles online, from Dr.'s saying that 'Underwire bras, Padded bras, & tight bras... cause cancer. Look it up online & read it for yourself. This is just what 'I' found out myself. Read which sites are from actual 'Doctors'.

It makes sense because stats say that 80% of women get get breast cancer, thats almost all women.


So I looked it up, it says something about the bra (look it up for exact reference) & how it constricts lymph node fluids or vessels from flowing & the fluids back up causing the fluid to be 'toxic fluid' inside the body.

So I bought a bra that is 1 size larger (in the band) & another that is 2 sizes larger... in the band. 

So go to a Bra Shop & find out your correct size. It is well known that MOST WOMEN wear the wrong size bra!

There are many web sites & some video's that explain HOW to measure yourself for the correct bra size.

When ordering online, I have seen bra sites that say something like 'this fabric causes cancer'... so maybe even try a all natural COTTON bra.

I have no idea about cotton bras at all. 


One web site says: "Research shows wearing a bra can increase your risk of breast cancer! How Bras Can Cause Breast Cancer Bras are designed to alter breast shape, they apply constant pressure to the soft breast tissue and result in compressing and constricting lymphatic vessels."


  • evolo58
    evolo58 Member Posts: 293 Member
    That has been going around for years

    With no real evidence.

    It is probably a good idea to take off the bra once you're lounging at home for the day and let everything relax. That is a compromise I've seen on a couple of the "bras cause cancer" sites, and hey, it feels good!

    But here are a couple of links from reputable about bras and cancer:


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    No connection for me

    i never wore an underwire bra, and most of mine were 100% cotton.  I believe either we have the risk or not.


  • Patriot_Mom
    Patriot_Mom Member Posts: 10
    Bra does NOT cause cancer.

    That is so much horse hooey!  A bra certainly does not cause cancer -- unless you have radioactive bras!  Basic scientific principle at work her:  Correlation does not equal causation.  Which is to say, just because you owned horses when you go cancer doesn't mean that horses cause cancer -- see how silly that sounds when you reframe it?

    Now here's something that might cause cancer and I'm busily starving my cancer cells.  Here's my story:

    I am diagnosed with Stage 4, Triple Negative, Metastatic Breast Cancer.  It began in 2014, was treated and I appeared to be cancer free -- or they were in denial -- for 4 years, then experienced a recurrence metastatized to my lungs and some various other areas they were watching, liver, adrenal glands, spine....

    As luck would have it, I had been playing around with a ketogenic diet for weight loss, but like most diets cheated a lot, when I was rediagnosed.  During some of my research of the Keto Diet and Cancer on the internet, I ran into a couple resources that made me sit up and take notice.  One was the series of Dr. Boz (Dr. Annette Bozworth) videos on YouTube.  She had used the diet to help her mother get through treatment successfully.  The other was Dr. Dominic D'Agostino's TEDx Talk also available on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fM9o72ykww), a Navy Seal doctor and researcher who discovered during the course of his research how to literally starve cancer.

    What I learned from my research and these two doctors, then confirmed through other online research into cancer cell metabolism, is that cancer cells THRIVE on glucose -- sugar, carbohydrates -- as do most cells, but they do it in and extreme way and through a different metabolic channelthan regular non-cancerous cells.  Eating carbohydrates (sugars) is like pouring gasoline on a fire to cancer cells.  So I decided to double down on my Ketogenic diet and deprive the cancer of this fuel -- go all Keto Nazi on my diet.

    Full disclosure -- I am getting chemotherapy from a very good doctor at Vanderbilt.  However, this same doctor, when I asked her a direct question upon my new diagnosis, "What is the prognosis for lifespan for someone with my condition?"  I got a direct, not sugar-coated (pun intended) answer:  "Average lifespan for someone with your condition is 1 1/2 to 2 years."  NOT what I was expecting to hear.  I was really expecting to hear that I could possibly live for many years to come with the right treatment, but like I said, she didn't sugar-coat anything and gave me a direct answer to my direct question, and I thank her for that.

    I went on to ask her what she thought about my hypothesis that the Ketogenic Diet could possibly help deprive the cancer cells of the glucose they thrive on and help with treatment.  Her answer was, "It couldn't hurt."  Now that sounded to me like she was giving me a shred of hope that I could try something that wouldn't interfere with her treament protocol or the study I was enrolled in.

    All of this happened starting in October 2018.  Since then I have received 2 rounds of treatment with Carboplatin, once every 3 weeks, with a scan at the end of 9 weeks -- so 2 rounds of scans so far and in my third round of treatment.  At the first scan my tumors -- the ones they could track and measure as there were many scattered throughout my lungs too small to be measurable -- had decreased 40%!  At the second scan they had decreased another 4% and many of the unmeasurable had nearly disappeared altogether.  My doctor and her researchers were  dumbfounded!

    Still, in her world she believes that 'cancer tends to find a way around these treatments' and cautions me that it may return.  I am convinced that this diet is a life-long adjunct treatment that may be the only thing that keeps me alive.  There are many resources online for learning how to do it, but your normal cells can live off ketones produced in your liver, while the cancer cells cannot.  I highly encourage you to research it too and try it.  Like my doctor said, "It couldn't hurt".

    Doctors will never use this adjunct dietary treatment because there is no money in it.  They cannot charge for the treatment and big pharma will not fund the research because they cannot profit from it.  So to undertake it we are on our own.