finding light!!! getting through the dark days

this summer , at 36 i was dx'd with ovarian ca, had a total hysterectomy and went through chemo treatment called BEP ; bleomycin, etoposide and cysplatin; 5 days strait for 7  hrs/day every 3rd week, then bleo evry tues.   that knocked me right out of my body, but i vowed even before  starting the grueling regements that it would only make my mind and spirit stronger.  im an RN, avid runner, beachbum, and weight lifter so being knocked out of my physical body was a huge adjustemnt and ego crusher, especially not being able to work.  as part of my vow, i would go to the gym every day i felt good enough to drag myslef there, but on the days i couldnt  I would literally do "mind work outs", where id go through my exercises in my mind while listening to guided mediattions.  im  HUGE believer the practice of visualizing perfectly clear in my mind where i wanted to be after tretments and always thought of myslef as already recovered is what got me through the days of dragging myself out of bed just to use the bathroom, and got me at the place im at now. i am only 2 months later with fuzz on my head and being back to work full time.  mindfulness and being present in your own recover is a superstrong tool to get us through!  never loosing sight of what matters most in life; KEEPING HOPE, love, joy, alive is possible through meditation and mindfullness.   if anyone has any questions on mindfulness and mediation to assist with getting through any of the rough stuff that comes with cancer, let me know!!! 

xoxo  peace love and recovery!!
