Worried I have colon cancer!

saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member



  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    Worried I have colon cancer now.

    Any light on this subject is appreciated.  I had a total hysterectomy 10 months ago for uterine cancer, stage1a.  No further treatment needed.  I just go for check ups every 6 months.


    I have a history of colon/anal bleeding.  I had a  colonoscopy about  20 years ago.  they found ulcerative colitis.  I also have gastropareis.  So I am chronically constipated.

    Now I see blood on the toilet paper and today in the toilet bowl.  I am afraid I have colon cancer.  I do have bad hemmorids.  The doctor told me after my hysterectomy I had both internal and external.  What is bleeding?

    I use a hemmorid cream and have to use a q tip to get it up there because I am so swollen with big lumps sticking out of my bottom (sorry for TMI) but they seem to be getting more and more protruding as I get older.

    I have problems with the colonoscopy because I throw up with the prep and am sick for days on end.


    They have me drinking Lactulose for the constipation to prevent rectocele from the hysterectomy and I do get diarrhea from it so I go many times a day.  Maybe this is making me bleed?

    I also run on a treadmill and have seen blood after at the gym's bathroom because I feel like I have to move my bowels.  A little bit of straining a lot but I am careful.  The blood is bright red, on the toilet paper and today I am scared because I saw it in the toilet bowl.  

    any opinions are welcome!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Worried I have colon cancer now.

    Any light on this subject is appreciated.  I had a total hysterectomy 10 months ago for uterine cancer, stage1a.  No further treatment needed.  I just go for check ups every 6 months.


    I have a history of colon/anal bleeding.  I had a  colonoscopy about  20 years ago.  they found ulcerative colitis.  I also have gastropareis.  So I am chronically constipated.

    Now I see blood on the toilet paper and today in the toilet bowl.  I am afraid I have colon cancer.  I do have bad hemmorids.  The doctor told me after my hysterectomy I had both internal and external.  What is bleeding?

    I use a hemmorid cream and have to use a q tip to get it up there because I am so swollen with big lumps sticking out of my bottom (sorry for TMI) but they seem to be getting more and more protruding as I get older.

    I have problems with the colonoscopy because I throw up with the prep and am sick for days on end.


    They have me drinking Lactulose for the constipation to prevent rectocele from the hysterectomy and I do get diarrhea from it so I go many times a day.  Maybe this is making me bleed?

    I also run on a treadmill and have seen blood after at the gym's bathroom because I feel like I have to move my bowels.  A little bit of straining a lot but I am careful.  The blood is bright red, on the toilet paper and today I am scared because I saw it in the toilet bowl.  

    any opinions are welcome!


    No such thing as...

    TMI on this forum.  We deal with the nitty gritty, and thus, have to talk about it. 

    I was told once that red blood usually means bleeding hemeroids.  And, do you notice blood on the outside of the stool?  If the blood is on the outside, it usually means that the stool has scraped the hemeroid and made it bleed. 

    Notice I say 'usually'.  Obviously, I have no idea what is causing your bleeding. 

    My advice would be for you to prusue it with your Doctor, and maybe a GI Doc.  There are several different preps on the market, so they may be able to prescribe a solution that works better for you (Golitely made me throw up all over the bathroom).  I would say get yourself checked out.  Its probably notihng, but.....

    Good luck! And be sure to come and let us know how you are doing. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited October 2018 #4
    Bright Red Blood

    Bright Red Blood doesn't always mean hemmorhoids.  That is how mine was discovered by bright red blood on stool and paper.  It was an indication that my rectal tumor was scraping the tumor as it was descending and ending up in the stool and on the paper because it was close to the anus.  Don't ever be confident of bright red blood as a hemmorhoid as my primary was too and then it took me 2 months to get a colonoscopy.  It sounds like you already have a history of them so it's very possible that's what you have and not colon cancer but it's better to get it checked out and not assume.  Sorry for being so blunt but that's what happend to me.  Wishing you the best.


  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    thank u

    Thank you for your advise.  I am definitely going to get it checked out again.  I just need to find the right doctor.  I didn't like this doctor I went to because I was about 3 months post op and he could care less!  Didn't even ask why I had the hysterectomy.  

    Another thing that scares me is that women (so I am told) have a worse time with hysterectomy and colonoscopy because the uterus was removed and the intestines move into the vacant place where the uterus used to be.  They call it a "torturous colon."


    Do they give an anastetic sp? or just make you drowsy.  I remember not being able to take the pain.  And screaming until they stopped the test the frist time.

  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    thank u

    Trubrit: sorry I forgot to answer your question.

    I only see blood on the toilet paper.  Never anywhere else.  It has always been just tiny, pinpoint spots, but today is what was the worst.  As a rule, I never saw it in the toilet bowl.  I do remember many years ago eating a ton of prunes because I was so constipated and the blood just pouring out of me so I went to the Emergency Room.  Doctors said it was hemmoroids.  God!  I am sick of this stuff!

  • Twinzma
    Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member
    Get a colonoscopy!

    See a good GI and demand a colonoscopy. Mine need to be done annually and under general anastesia as the twilight doesn't work for me. I get a lot of red blood it's a combination of my hemrriods and diverticulites flares but I do have several polyops every exam hence why I need them annually. Very aggressive and precancerous my insurance unfortunaltey will not pay as they do not bill it as a routine exam anymore. Fine by me, I gladly pay a discounted rate worth every penny. My husband is the one with CRC had a clean colonoscopy 7 years prior and is now stage 4. This test can save your life and needs to be done. It probally is nothing, BUT the peace of mind is worth the hassle. Schedual one ASAP so you can get it over with and rest easy. Hugs! 


  • db8ne1
    db8ne1 Member Posts: 142 Member

    Worried I have colon cancer now.

    Any light on this subject is appreciated.  I had a total hysterectomy 10 months ago for uterine cancer, stage1a.  No further treatment needed.  I just go for check ups every 6 months.


    I have a history of colon/anal bleeding.  I had a  colonoscopy about  20 years ago.  they found ulcerative colitis.  I also have gastropareis.  So I am chronically constipated.

    Now I see blood on the toilet paper and today in the toilet bowl.  I am afraid I have colon cancer.  I do have bad hemmorids.  The doctor told me after my hysterectomy I had both internal and external.  What is bleeding?

    I use a hemmorid cream and have to use a q tip to get it up there because I am so swollen with big lumps sticking out of my bottom (sorry for TMI) but they seem to be getting more and more protruding as I get older.

    I have problems with the colonoscopy because I throw up with the prep and am sick for days on end.


    They have me drinking Lactulose for the constipation to prevent rectocele from the hysterectomy and I do get diarrhea from it so I go many times a day.  Maybe this is making me bleed?

    I also run on a treadmill and have seen blood after at the gym's bathroom because I feel like I have to move my bowels.  A little bit of straining a lot but I am careful.  The blood is bright red, on the toilet paper and today I am scared because I saw it in the toilet bowl.  

    any opinions are welcome!


    Find a Good GI Doc


    I recommend getting a different opinion.  Find a good GI Doc and get a colonoscopy.  While it certainly may be problematic hemorrhoids, it could be rectal cancer.  ( I had 2 years of bloody toilet paper and in the toilet bowl. My GP kept saying internal hemorrhoids - but never checked. I ended up with Stage 3 colorectal cancer).

    No way to know for sure without a proper  diagnosis. If they are bad hemorrhoids, those can be removed, too, to give you some relief.  As for the prep for the colonoscopy, you can get pills instead. I don't, but know that docs will prescribe them for those that cannot stomach the drinks...Also, find a GI doc that will give you good meds for the colonoscopy.  I always have conscious sedation (propofol) and never remember a thing.  

    Best of luck to you!


  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    thanks everyone

    I am already looking for another doctor.  I prefer a female one that maybe will understand my hysterectomy problems with the bowl moving.  I can still feel it at times.  Ever since the surgery, I have a weird pain which has to be from the surgery because I never had it before.


    This doctor stuck his finger up there and didn't even use a scope.  He said I had no masses and no bumps but some hemmoroids.  I didn't like him at all.  I left with a lot of pain.

    I started using the cream today and I am in pain from the bottom because I am soooo swollen.  

  • sylvia_mae
    sylvia_mae Member Posts: 37

    We have the same diagnosis because of my age they thought its impossible for me to have colon cancer until several times of in and out in the hospital my doctor decided to have colonoscopy. And there they found a tumor which is positive for colon cancer. You have to make sure have it now.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited October 2018 #11

    It's a good thing to get a colonoscopy and to have a doctor you trust.  It will make you feel much better in the end to know that it was probably nothing, but also to get a doctor you can relate to.  I'm glad you are looking for another one and hope you can get this done soon just to put your mind at ease. 


  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    made appointment but...

    I got an appointment but it's not until November 27!  why do I have to wait so long?  I think this is awful.  I am a wreck.