PET scan results - Swelling in Voice box

First post treatment PET Scan results came out today. They say everything looks clear and fine except some swelling in the voice box which might be due to some infection or the radition effect. But they say it must be checked up so They have called me tomorrow for check up.
Anybody has this experience? Feeling worried. 


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Andrea From

    what you are saying is your scan is CLEAR which means NED (No Evidence of Disease)-cancer gone. Sounds to me like they just want to get you in and check your throat and voice box and will probably run the scope job on your nose to look at your throat area. They probably want to verify nothing is abnormal in the recovery of what you went through and if they do find an infection to get it under control while it is small. Do you feel like anything is swollen, or does everything feel ok and normal recovery? So I say let's be glad for the NED report. I celebrate with you (Hurray) and double (Hurray) and please keep us updated as to what your appointment results are, we pray for continued good news. God Bless enjoy life and look forward-Russ

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    All is well...

    It's easier said than done, I know...but you have to try and relax.  I was a wreck my first 9 months post treatment.  Every ache, every weird feeling...

    You are will continue to have "weird" feelings for a while.  I'm at almost 2years out and I continue to feel different every single day.  I may have been overserved some adult beverages a week ago at a bar where they had a mechanical bull.  As Tim McGraw says..."live like you are dying" I rode it like 8 times.  Neck has felt weird ever since.  Probably should have only gotten flung off it once.  Oh well.  Cest la vie.  The video and the story make my kids laugh.

    The scan was clear...  Enjoy some peace of mind until your next appt/scan.


  • Andrea39
    Andrea39 Member Posts: 36
    wbcgaruss said:

    Andrea From

    what you are saying is your scan is CLEAR which means NED (No Evidence of Disease)-cancer gone. Sounds to me like they just want to get you in and check your throat and voice box and will probably run the scope job on your nose to look at your throat area. They probably want to verify nothing is abnormal in the recovery of what you went through and if they do find an infection to get it under control while it is small. Do you feel like anything is swollen, or does everything feel ok and normal recovery? So I say let's be glad for the NED report. I celebrate with you (Hurray) and double (Hurray) and please keep us updated as to what your appointment results are, we pray for continued good news. God Bless enjoy life and look forward-Russ

    My primary was right tonsil

    My primary was right tonsil with nodes affected. They say these sites look fine but they found some brightness in voice box in the pet so they wanted to scope me for this. Good news is that the disease is clear where it was origionated. The bad news is the lighting up and swelling of the new site i.e. voice box. They want to scope it to make sure all is right and whether it is caused by radition induced infection or it is something serious.