Fantastic experience at Mayo, MN - partial nephrectomy

mtn biker
mtn biker Member Posts: 1

Hi all:

I have been meaning to post here for some time.  To anyone facing the terrifying diagnosis of possible or even confirmed kidney cancer, I highly recommend the Mayo Clinic Urology Dept. in Rochester MN.  In 2016, a small tumor on my right kidney was discovered incidentally (as most are).  I consulted many surgeons here in Colorado and was very close to having my entire kidney removed.  During the agonizing weeks following the US and MRI that discovered the tumor, I found the US News Best Hospital Report where Mayo, Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins all vie for the top three spots consistently for decades not only in overall quality and reputation, but specifically urology.  I first traveled to Johns Hopkins and then to Mayo Clinic.  Both informed me of options Denver surgeons never mentioned plus educated me on surgical excision techniques - enucleation vs. wedge resection.  I realized it would be a terrible mistake to remove a kidney even if the tumor turned out to be malignant.  I ended up having a partial nephrectomy at Mayo and the tumor turned out to be a benign oncocytoma.  I can't recommend Mayo enough to anyone needing a first or second opinion.  This place is a world-class facility and the doctors are true healers.  My article that I wrote is below for anyone interested and I hope this may help others seek treatment there or at least give you the comfort others have been down the road you are on now.  Please ask me any questions here or by PM.







  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Great article

    Thanks for sharing, Joe.  I was lucky enough to also be treated at Mayo in Rochester.  Dr. Chow performed my partial nephrectomy.  All the experiences you describe in your article about Mayo hold true with my experience.  It truly is a great "healing" place. 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I'll pass on your experience

    Once is eneph.


