Red patches on bladder and elevated creatinine

MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member

After having blood in urine and ruling out urinary tract infection, had a cystoscope showing multiple red patches on bladder wall. Also lab showed creatinine of 3.5.  Scheduled for cystoscope with general anesthesia Monday for biopsies. After a clear CT scan in May this is quite unsettling.  Doctor says may or may not be cancer. Has any else had this issue?


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with

    I'm sorry you're dealing with the stress of this new development. Unfortunately nothing is ever certain but since your RCC was stage 1 and pretty small, it's unlikely that it went to your bladder. Especially since everything else was clear. Hope it turns out to be something harmless. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  • Optimisticgirl
    Optimisticgirl Member Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry about these new worries

    hoping it is just inflammation of some sort and not what our minds tend to run to. As far as the creatinine, are you drinking enough fluid? Eating a lot of meat? My husbands runs around 2.0 since his surgery but has gotten as bad as 2.6 before the nephrologist had a serious talk with him To increase fluids ..or else.  Prayers you find a quick and simple answer.


  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member

    Sorry about these new worries

    hoping it is just inflammation of some sort and not what our minds tend to run to. As far as the creatinine, are you drinking enough fluid? Eating a lot of meat? My husbands runs around 2.0 since his surgery but has gotten as bad as 2.6 before the nephrologist had a serious talk with him To increase fluids ..or else.  Prayers you find a quick and simple answer.


    Thank you for responses, I do

    Thank you for responses, I do drink a lot of water and little to no red meat. My doctor Is puzzeled by elevated level, is planning an ultrasound on Monday along with bladder biopsies. 

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Mel

    I haven't had this issue but will be thinking of you on Monday with the scope/biopsies.  You are encouraging me to re-up my water intake and try once again to decrease the red meat consumption.  Take care -

  • Trisa1795
    Trisa1795 Member Posts: 9
    Hello there. I also got a car

    Hello there. I also got a car from the doctor yesterday that I have blood in urine and have to go into the office and have a test done.  I hope it all is well. Keep positive thought and be glad the doctor is being very thorough.  At least that is what I keep telling myself. Lol

  • Trisa1795
    Trisa1795 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018 #7
    Trisa1795 said:

    Hello there. I also got a car

    Hello there. I also got a car from the doctor yesterday that I have blood in urine and have to go into the office and have a test done.  I hope it all is well. Keep positive thought and be glad the doctor is being very thorough.  At least that is what I keep telling myself. Lol

    I got a call!!!  Not a car.

    I got a call!!!  Not a car. Lol

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Mel,

    Hi Mel,

    You may already have your results but this sounds a lot like IC.  I have that and it's not much fun.  We will be thinking of you!!

    Take care, Sandy