
Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member
edited February 2019 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1





  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Denise!

    Hi Denise!

    Sorry no one has gotten back to you yet. Wish I could help out, but I was 1a/1 so no further treatment was recommened after radical hysterectomy. So I was not faced with conflicting treatment suggestions.

    I am sure one of the ladies will get in contact with you soon. Don't be discouraged if it takes a few days. It appears that many of us who have had earlier diagnoses do not visit as often.

    If I recall correctly yours was the garden type variety that thankfully is not ordinarily fast growing. You have time to consider the route you want to take. However, I understand the anxiety of the diagnosis alone is overwhelming...trying to decide how to proceed when the experts offer differing opinions has got to be hard!

    Hang in there!



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    edited September 2018 #3
    Denise, not sure if you are

    Denise, not sure if you are contacting current members or not, so please know that may be part of the problem - again, I just don't know.  I think all of us have felt the anxiety, and since I don't think any of us are really qualified to help you, other than "listening" on the board and giving you support, maybe you have a pastor or employee asssitance at your work to really help you better.  A diagnosis of cancer is certainly overwhelming, and our 'talking' on line really allows every an opportunity to lend their shoulder.


  • Cass83
    Cass83 Member Posts: 151 Member

    You may have talked to someone by now so this might be a bit late. I had to decide between external and brachy. It is a tough decision, and a personal one. Praying was my first step, research, and listening to others, then I made up my mind. I hope you have received some encouragment. You can pm me if you want too. If you pm people that are no longer active, that might be the reason for no responses.

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Denise Decision Support

    FYI ....Denise and I had a nice conversation the night she posted her request. 

    She is very well educated and had done a lot of her own medical literature research.

    More than anything it was great to talk on the phone with someone who had personal experience with making a decision about brachytherapy I think. Whatever her decision I am sure it will be the right one for her.

    I am glad we talked. It actually was good for me in many ways to share my story too...even this long after treatment (9 years)! 
