CT w/contrast next Tuesday

PCB Joe Member Posts: 26
edited September 2018 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I finished treatment Nov 2017 at Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte and am having ct w/contrast next Tuesday (9/25) to make sure I'm still NED. Area right below my ear at upper jawbone feels bruised to the touch. Keep me in your prayers! Thank you!


  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    Hi, if you had prior surgery

    Hi, if you had prior surgery there, and they put clips in, it can stay tender always, as scar tissue forms and swelling (which pads the area) goes down. But, yes, you are in my prayers.

  • PCB Joe
    PCB Joe Member Posts: 26
    Curlyn said:

    Hi, if you had prior surgery

    Hi, if you had prior surgery there, and they put clips in, it can stay tender always, as scar tissue forms and swelling (which pads the area) goes down. But, yes, you are in my prayers.

    Didn't have surgery. Guess I

    Didn't have surgery. Guess I'll find out soon. Thanks again!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited September 2018 #4
    PCB Joe-You Got em

    Prayers your way, saying one right now. And we look forward to your scan and pray for NED (No Evidence of Disease). As it is said on this forum It's not cancer till they say it's cancer so put your mind at ease and keep it moving forward-Russ

  • PCB Joe
    PCB Joe Member Posts: 26
    wbcgaruss said:

    PCB Joe-You Got em

    Prayers your way, saying one right now. And we look forward to your scan and pray for NED (No Evidence of Disease). As it is said on this forum It's not cancer till they say it's cancer so put your mind at ease and keep it moving forward-Russ

    Thanks, Russ! Have a great

    Thanks, Russ! Have a great weekend!

  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member
    Prayers for you to be NED!!

    Prayers for you to be NED!!

  • PCB Joe
    PCB Joe Member Posts: 26
    Had a CT w/contrast yesterday

    and appt with ENT this morning. NED!! He said my scan was perfect and back of my tongue looked great. He did say my neck was very stiff. I’ve tried to get appts with massage therapists where I live but they’re attached to chiros and ones I checked with won’t allow massage without adjustments. I used to go to a chiro but he did more damage to my neck than help.

    Anyway, I’m very happy with the results. If anyone has any recommendation on massage equipment that works for your neck, I’m all ears. Thanks!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    For the NED report, perfect scan and tongue looking great. As far as massage folks check with your docs they should be able to direct you or there should be some massage people in the area somewhere. Check the phone book if you still have one or check the web for your local area massage centers. I just had a rotator cuff repaired and am going to a place in our area called CPRS Physical Therapy and in talking to them found out they do lymph node massage for cancer folks and others also.