Decifer test question

Steve1961 Member Posts: 613 Member

So I hsve a question ..let’s discuss this ...why di you really need this test done if your going to do seems like all it does is predict any chances of future reoccurance.   Why would you want to know that to besides worry about it ...just do the surgery get the path report and move on and hope it’s gone fir good ...that’s why some docs don’t belidve in it ..I can see why ..I mean. most people would start taking better care of the them selves anyway ,,,I would rather not kniw anything..than to hsve it come bsck as hi risk 35 % chance of reoccurance in 5 years or something that going to change the way they do it will just make the patient  worry more...jYet my opinion




  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member


    I appreciate you are worried but it might make sense to keep all your questions in one thread (your main one).

    You can edit the original title to include the question to make it clear.

    That way you get all the information in one place.

    Can I also suggest you talk to a therapist about your ongoing fears. You, like me, are stuck fighting fear of the future and (like me) need to figure a way out of it. I honestly don't think answers to a lot of "what if" questions will help you as much as talking to someone will.

    Stay strong.


  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 613 Member



    I appreciate you are worried but it might make sense to keep all your questions in one thread (your main one).

    You can edit the original title to include the question to make it clear.

    That way you get all the information in one place.

    Can I also suggest you talk to a therapist about your ongoing fears. You, like me, are stuck fighting fear of the future and (like me) need to figure a way out of it. I honestly don't think answers to a lot of "what if" questions will help you as much as talking to someone will.

    Stay strong.


    Hey this is a legit Subject..

    Hey this is a legit Subject..

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Genomic test


    The Decipher test got meaning for several purposes, not just to predict recurrence. However, doing it after surgery would practically be impossible without a piece of PCa tissue for sampling and analyze the expression levels of RNA biomarkers. In other words, we would have the means to identify the severity or presence of some disease or the physiological state of an organism. This genomic test can also check for treatments that would not work well in certain patients.


  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 613 Member

    Genomic test


    The Decipher test got meaning for several purposes, not just to predict recurrence. However, doing it after surgery would practically be impossible without a piece of PCa tissue for sampling and analyze the expression levels of RNA biomarkers. In other words, we would have the means to identify the severity or presence of some disease or the physiological state of an organism. This genomic test can also check for treatments that would not work well in certain patients.


    I dint understand what

    I dint understand what treatments won’t work well in patients .....what’s that test going to show .......about treatments ......2 options. For PC.    Surgery or radiation ....period .......radiation is used in 3 ways .......fir salvage  of if you are too old fir surgery or in bad health fir surgery .. Ok so I asked the first surgeon I saw about it  decifer resting .he said not necessary ..u need surgery.with radistion there is no plan b ...this man was right .should have listened to,him . He said decifer testing just adds more complication and unnecessary findings and issues .....which he was right if u do surgery why would u want to know the risks of your cancer .. just do surgury get the path report see what the report says  and move on ..let’s say you had a clean positive margins no nodes.  Very clean ..which happens MORE than not   That 30 % failure rate is WRONG it’s more like 23 % instead of saying 1 out of 4 fail which are the ones we see here. Don’t forget about the 3 that dont    so everything g went well .blood test is .002 u are cancer free but the decifer  test may have said ohh you are intermediate risk with a 37 % chance of 5 year reoccurance and a likelyhood of 12% chance of dying in 10years from this .....WHY would. you Want to know this WHY so u can worry about it ,.a lot .it’s like the news all u see is bad thing and sometimes good things ..on this forum it’s like the news ....let’s say This I think the ONLY reason to do decifer testing would be if you r considering active survaillsnce  otherwise it’s not needed ...just my opinion 

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    A science that cannot be explained scientifically.

    There are about 25 different types of prostate cancer. Many differ by its genetic material. Several do not respond well to an attack of radiation and some do not well with hormonal manipulations. In the end, the decipher test is another prediction tool to be used by physicians to deliver the ultimate treatment. Surely, not all guys can expect to fall within the best paremeters of a percentage pool. In any case, this is what cancer is about; A science that cannot yet be explained scientifically.




  • fishinguy
    fishinguy Member Posts: 18

    A science that cannot be explained scientifically.

    There are about 25 different types of prostate cancer. Many differ by its genetic material. Several do not respond well to an attack of radiation and some do not well with hormonal manipulations. In the end, the decipher test is another prediction tool to be used by physicians to deliver the ultimate treatment. Surely, not all guys can expect to fall within the best paremeters of a percentage pool. In any case, this is what cancer is about; A science that cannot yet be explained scientifically.




    Thanks VG.    Your wording

    Thanks VG.    Your wording above made his answer much more clear to me.   Thank you!.      Like Steve, I've wondered about this as I've read much about the decipher tests lately.    I just asked my Uro about additional testing at my one year RALP checkup.   He told me it was an expensive test and for me felt not needed until a recurrance was detected (which he feels is slim) and that sample tissue from my biopsy was stored indefinitely and available if required.