My aunt has recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. T1N0 with neural invasion.

Mavish Member Posts: 94 Member


My aunt has recently been diagnosed with T1N0 pancreatic cancer. Has wipple surgery. I was wondering what are the treatment option after the surgery. Is there any targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer?

Any information wold help. Thanks in advance.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    my husband received chemo prior to his whipple surgery along with targeted radiation to where they were going to operate and then he received chemo again after surgery.  He did very well.

  • Oneshot
    Oneshot Member Posts: 153 Member
    treatment after whipple


                I had chemo and target rads before and more chemo after the whipple also. That was in 2008.  The chemo was heavy doses of Gemzar. Both before and after.